How to lose weight, if you want to eat?

How to lose weight, if you want to eat?
 The eternal dilemma: I want to lose weight, but at the same time want to eat. And you can not deny yourself food in any case. Otherwise the body will repay even a large appetite and the "harvesting" of stocks on an empty period. For a man desire to eat (and in this way make up for the cost of energy) is the most common. Not less than normal for a woman is the desire to lose weight - or gain weight at a minimum.

The challenge is to keep a balance between the absolutely usual and absolutely normal. For a lady, nothing is impossible, and then it's time to explore some ways to eat and lose weight.

Vegetables are recognized among the champions of utility products. They fill us with vitamins and trace elements, nutrients and bioactive substances. Vegetable fiber serves as a medium for the life of beneficial bacteria in the intestine and thus helps purify our body from excessive deposits. The conclusion is that more vegetables - less weight! Of course, the vegetables are best eaten fresh, boiled, stewed or baked. But from frying in a pan or deep-fried refrain.

Fruits and berries are useful not less vegetables. Just remember that some fruits are rich in sugar, so during the diet is preferable to choose less sweet varieties.

Very effective for weight loss and at the same time meet the appetite diet Cindy Crawford. Diet involves eating unlimited amounts of vegetables and fruits. The basis of the diet is a special cabbage and vegetable soup. It needs to be there every day, adding to the menu of fruits and vegetables on their own. In addition, diet and prescribe the use of dietary protein foods - low-fat dairy products, boiled chicken breast and fish.

To prepare the cabbage soup and vegetables need 1 small head cabbage, 6 small pieces of carrots and onions, Bulgarian pepper 2, 3 tomatoes. Vegetables should be washed, cut, cover with cold water and boil. Neovoschnyh of ingredients in the soup and add the washed rice boiled in the amount of 1/3 cup for two minutes until tender. And the final touch - put in the soup greens chopped celery and green onions 6 feathers.

The length of the diet - 7 days. Eat soup every day. The remaining product is used as follows:
Monday - 1 cup low-fat yogurt or low-fat milk, fruit in any quantity, tea or coffee.
Tuesday - fresh, boiled or steamed vegetables in any quantity, 1 baked potato without butter, tea or coffee.

Wednesday - 1 cup low-fat yogurt or low-fat milk, fruits and vegetables in any quantity, tea or coffee.
Thursday - 8 glasses of skim milk (1 cup low-fat yogurt can be replaced), 3-6 bananas, tea or coffee.

Friday - 1 cup low-fat yogurt or skim milk, fish in any quantity (not roasted), 6 tomatoes, tea or coffee.

Saturday - 1 cup low-fat yogurt or skim milk, boiled chicken in any amount, in any number of vegetables, tea or coffee.

Sunday - 1 cup low-fat yogurt or low-fat milk, fruits and vegetables in any quantity, tea or coffee.

Losing weight with this diet is 3-4 kg per week.

Another way to lose weight, if you want to eat - eating foods with negative calories. To digest these foods the body expends more energy than it receives from them. Therefore, they can eat every time a appetite.

Negative calorie foods tend to contain large amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and heals the body.

List of products with negative calorie: celery, cabbage, spinach, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, seaweed, pickled vegetables. They help to lose weight, but keep in mind that for this they need to be there without oil fatty dressings and sauces. Adding oil increases calorie foods!

Tags: food, product, diet, vegetable, Cindy Crawford