How to handle the navel piercing

How to handle the navel piercing
 Body piercing is very popular not only among young people. This is due to the fact that emphasize personal style and somehow stand out from the crowd, many want. But for piercings to properly care for, especially the first time. Otherwise, you may begin the inflammatory process, which will ruin the appearance of the skin.
 After taking a navel piercing, at the puncture site bandage. You can remove it after 5 hours to produce a skin treatment. Wash the navel warm boiled water to remove clotted blood. Do not worry, it will be quite a bit. The first time you do not need to use the washing detergents, even the most mild. They may cause inflammation.

Treat the injured place special antibacterial lotion 2-3 times a day. If you do not, use vodka or rubbing alcohol diluted to 45%. Puncture can be disinfected and calendula tincture. Moisten a cotton ball in the solution and apply to the navel, hold a few minutes. Then clean decoration to it no residue from scab. Be sure to pass through the processing of the earring back and forth, otherwise it will heal.

In the event of low-energy inflammation, use saline solution. Add a glass of water 2 tablespoons of sea salt or unscented. Mix thoroughly. Saturate a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area for 10-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

When it begins to form a scab, you may be a little itchy. This means that the skin began to heal. To get rid of it, use tea tree essential oil. It softens and disinfects the skin. Treatment is carried out several times a day until the piercing is fully healed. Usually it takes about 7-14 days, and when complications arise more and more. All this time, you should carefully handle the navel.

If the skin blushed deeply, and you feel the pain, contact the shop where you do piercings. It is possible that you will need to use antibacterial ointments or pills. No need to wait until everything goes alone, because there is the likelihood of occurrence and complications.

Tags: piercing care, navel