Beautiful breasts - it's that simple

Beautiful breasts - it's that simple
 Chest refers to those parts of the female body that are most susceptible to negative influences. There are many factors leading to the appearance of stretch marks, sagging and sagging breasts. However, the constant proper care of the bust part of the problem to prevent and adversely affect the rest significantly reduced.
 Every woman to keep a beautiful breast, you must follow a few important rules. First, you want to choose the right bra because if it is small, it becomes difficult blood circulation, and if large, the breast is not supported in the desired position, which leads to stretching and sagging.

Good shape bust control ensure the correct posture and lack of excess weight, because if you do not monitor these parameters, the skin can become loose. In addition, it is recommended to limit the reception of hot tubs and up to 15 minutes to reduce the effect of ultraviolet rays on the chest, its promoting occurrence of cancer. Pregnant and lactating women need special care for the breasts in order to avoid losing their elasticity and the appearance of stretch marks.

When non-compliance of these rules will have to work hard to return to the beautiful shape of the breast using the restorative and cosmetic products, doing exercise and hygiene. It should be noted that the most effective way to maintain the shape of the bust is to use multiple tools simultaneously.

One of the main ways of breast enhancement are sports (swimming, tennis, volleyball) and the implementation of special physical exercises, such as distributing arms to lift dumbbells. Very effective cold shower for up to 2 minutes. Instead of a shower you can use ice, spending them on the chest and on the neck, which will provide a good lift to the skin.

You also need to use creams or balms for bust, preferably at the same time choose the means of well-known manufacturers. Besides it is possible to conduct wrapping or oil applied to the breast skin cosmetic mask. Such masks can cook yourself, using, for example, sour cream or cottage cheese with honey, olive oil and eggs.

Additional sources:

  • Beautiful breasts - it's that simple
 Author: Anna Kalashnikov