10 steps to a flat stomach and slender waist

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 Flat stomach and slender waist is not only mandatory components of a perfect and harmonious shapes, but also an indicator of health of the owner. To achieve a flat stomach is easy enough if monitor their daily habits and way of life, but not all people know these simple tricks. Let's look at 10 steps on the road to a wasp waist.

First, beautiful and slim waist is not possible without a healthy internal organs. If your bowels clogged slag, and the stomach is stretched impermissible, you'll never get a flat stomach, as these bodies will take up too much space. There will not help even intense exercise and rocking the press - so that in the first place are establishing digestion! Clean the intestines via coleslaw, carrots and apples. It must have an empty stomach for a few days. Do not add the oil or some spices.

To stomach was flat, you must establish your diet. Thus, use of the night a large amount of food will lead to gastric distension and further clogging of the digestive tract of the usages of defective digestion of food. Therefore, a hearty breakfast - a prerequisite of every day! This will help you start the digestive tract, as well as provide energy for the first half of the day. Followed by tight enough lunch and dinner do quite easy.

To avoid overeating during the day should arrange healthy snacks - for example, a boiled egg with toasted whole-wheat bread, apple, dried fruits and nuts.

Drink more water - is also important. The fact that the water well enough that detoxifies, also responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes. For example, water is also responsible for the feeling of hunger: if you drink less liquid than you need, your body often takes it for lack of nutrients and sounding the alarm, you begin acutely hungry.

Avoid stress and more sleep - during stress generated special hormone that is responsible for the deposition of fat is in the waist area. Therefore, restful sleep in ventilated room should be a prerequisite of your daily routine.

Eat vitamin C, it is perfectly strengthens abdominal muscles.

Do not be surprised if the shaking news every day, you do not notice the obvious results. This may be due to the fact that to build muscle are not visible because of the accumulated layer of fat that can be removed only by means of aerobic exercise. So running, dancing or swimming - to choose from!

Keep your back straight - waist meet not only your abdominal muscles and abdomen, as well as the straight posture and back muscles that help the body maintain internal organs. Take care of yourself and do not slouch.

Of course, the abdominal muscles are also worth a swing, not only direct but also the side. However, with the latest best not to overdo it, because the girls with little pronounced waist they can only exacerbate the problem and make the waist less noticeable.

Massage - not the last thing on your way to a slim waist and flat stomach! Massage the problem areas with a stiff sponges during each shower, as this will help speed up the metabolism and withdraw excess liquid and fat.

Tags: stomach, massage, waist, step