The two-day cleaning

 TO cleaning body passed as efficiently as possible, try to properly prepare. Already a few days before the start of the course should limit your intake of sugar, caffeine (tea, coffee and cola), vegetable oil, alcohol, meat and dairy products, preferring to fish and a salad of raw vegetables.  

First Day

Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon. Take an invigorating shower and rub the skin to increase blood circulation. Put on your most comfortable clothes. You'll get plenty of rest, and prefer uncomplicated exercise - so it's best to opt for clothes, does not restrict movement.

Start your day with fruit salad. Fruits stimulate the liver to be the first to join in the work, splitting the accumulated stocks of toxins. Those who have difficulty with digestion, instead of fruit is better to drink a couple of glasses of fresh fruit juice. Juice digested more easily, since the squeezing removes most of the fiber.

After breakfast, take a small charge, try not to strain. Do not choose a complex exercise requiring great physical exertion. Your goal is to bring the body in tone, and not to build muscle. After taking a rest after charging, go for a walk. Back at home, drink a glass of water or herbal tea.

Lunch Time
Treat yourself to a salad. Vegetables are very useful when cleaning the body, so the portion to be big. Make dressing of olive oil and lemon juice.

It is likely that you will feel a little tired. This is normal, because Boris with slag body spends a lot of effort and energy. So try to relax after dinner. You can just lie down, but you can sleep an hour or two.

Afternoon snack
Prepare a glass of fresh fruit juice or herbal tea brew. Even if you're really hungry, try not to eat anything extra. Limit apple or a handful of sunflower seeds.

Before dinner, take a walk or, if possible, take a swim in the pool. This procedure not only soothe and cheer at the same time you, but will have a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system.

In the days of purification dinner should be no later than 6 pm, so that the body before going to bed had ample time to digest. Boil the mixture of vegetables and season with its greenery.

Before going to bed, take a relaxing bath. Can be added to water or ordinary sea salt and essential oils. Soak for about fifteen minutes - twenty to toxins had come to the surface of the skin, then get out of the bath and wrap in a warm towel. Do not forget to drink before going to bed clean water.

Day Two

As in the first day, mark your waking glass of mineral water with lemon. Then go to the bathroom and take a contrast shower. It stimulates blood circulation, strengthens muscle tone and skin. Remember, the procedure must always end with a cool rinse.

Fruit for breakfast again. You can prepare the salad of them, and you can eat in the "pure form".

If the feeling of fatigue increase, do not worry, it's the toxins continue to leave your body. Just drink plenty of water to speed up the process and try to sleep. Unpleasant symptoms will soon disappear.

Lunch Time
Just like the day before, prepare the salad.

Tackle uncomplicated exercise. Try to go to the sauna or steam room, they have a good cleansing effect. After a huge amount of toxins derived through the skin. In the bath activates the activity of the sweat glands, which promotes greater removal of toxins.

Back at home, do not forget to drink plenty of water and try to relax before afternoon tea.

Afternoon snack
Glass of fruit juice or a cup of herbal tea.

Prepare a mixture of steamed vegetables. As seasonings instead of salt and pepper, use rosemary or parsley. Parsley has a diuretic effect and purify the blood, and rosemary improves liver and stimulates circulation.

After dinner, relax in front of the TV or read a little. Before bedtime treat yourself another amazing relaxing bath. The next morning you will feel completely relaxed, refreshed and prettier.

Tags: cleaning