The three-day fasting for weight loss

The three-day fasting for weight loss
 If you are determined to lose weight and improve the body with the help of fasting, do not rush immediately to conquer the steep peaks, start small. You first need to teach the body to the one-day fasting.
 Daily fasting is carried out without prior training, but it would be great if you do clean the intestines and spend some time on a plant-based diet. The most convenient way to fast on the weekends, so you will have no distractions. Think carefully about what you will do in this day - it is desirable to achieve maximum load to the head did not climb the thought of food.

If possible, spend the day outdoors. In the evening before the day of fasting loosely dine, a few hours before bedtime take a cleansing enema. The next day did not eat - drink pure non-carbonated water, at least 2 liters per day. If you feel very weak, dilute 1 tsp honey in a glass of warm water, add a little lemon juice and drink. If hunger does not leave in the evening, eat fresh salad with oil and drink tea with honey on the grass. The next day eat, but try not to go for food, control the appetite.

Once you have tested daily starvation, you can proceed to the abandonment of the three-day food. Night before, eat a light dinner of fasting, such as steamed vegetables. Two hours before sleep do a cleansing enema or take a laxative. And get ready - the next three days you are allowed to drink only water, at least 2 liters a day. In the first two days of fasting is an intensive excretion of mucus and toxins through the kidneys, so you need to drink so much. Daily will need to do a cleansing enema. Later, when the process of fasting will be familiar to you from enemas could be phased out, but initially they are needed.

Try as much as possible to be in the fresh air. In general, a three-day fasting is preferably carried out during the holidays. If this is not possible, then make sure that the first day of fasting occurred on Friday, and the rest - for the weekend.

Be ready to experience the feeling of violation: heart palpitations during physical exertion, headaches, dizziness, nausea and heartburn. If absolutely no strength, lie down for a while, eventually you get used to hunger, deterioration of health and symptoms disappear.

To exit from a three-day hunger need more days. On the fourth day in the morning, drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice or fruit tea, but without sugar. Then eat cabbage salad with carrots. At lunch salad again and add steamed vegetables porridge on the water. For dinner, juice, salad and vegetables.

While on the second day already, you can return to normal diet, it is recommended a couple of days to sit on steamed vegetables for greater effect of weight loss and cleansing the body. During the first two days of fasting can lose up to 2-3 kg, because the body gets rid of toxins active, metabolic products and sediments. Remember, before the start of three days of fasting is necessary to consult a specialist to eliminate the occurrence of side effects.

Tags: weight loss, fasting