Parted easily 10 reducing diets

 Unloading diet, as it is banal sounds, we need to reduce weight. It unloading diet with a minimum of calories and, as a consequence, a minimal amount of energy, so we need after the holidays. The body needs to create a kind of deficiency in energy, and the more weight, the greater must be the deficit. Low-fat diet usually is 1100 calories and allows you to reset about 2-3 pounds in a month. However, it happens that the same mass and be reset in a few days. It all depends on your body.

We begin unloading diet. Where to begin? Limit yourself to the consumption of foods containing large amounts of fat and carbohydrates. Completely rule out alcohol. Comfort are vegetables, fruits and foods rich in proteins. Fruits in general, it is recommended a lot - about half kilograms, divided into several stages.

Eat, mindful of health. Less spices and less salt. More Milk - need calcium; rich in iron - meat and vegetables; sea ​​fish - Statistics on Earth is almost no people who do not experience lack of iodine in the body. Vitamins - is necessary. Liver and carrots are rich in vitamin A; in meat and black bread contains vitamin B; Vitamin C - an abundance of vegetables, fruits and berries; Vitamin D - in the liver and fish. Various greens will help bring the body of harmful toxins, enhancing the digestive system.

Despite the apparent diversity, allfasting diet operate in the same manner, and it is essential that some of them to prefer. Useful to combine them correctly. Fasting diet should be carried out two or three times a week, it is better if it will be days off work. Nevertheless, it is better to consult a doctor who knows the features of your body will tell you the best option.

And the choice is really rich - protein (sugar, fruit, vegetables, rice and fruit), vegetarian, meat, fish, fluid, mixed ... Fruit and vegetable and protein diet is transferred easily. Among the hundreds of variations, we offer you only a dozen, however, the most popular and effective!

Cottage cheese diet.

Four times a day for 100 grams of fresh nonfat cottage cheese with wheat bran food (1-2 teaspoons). Their pre-steamed with boiling water, and after 20-30 minutes the liquid is drained. Cottage cheese goes well with honey, fruits, berries and vegetables, so it is desirable to add to the meal in each serving. Cottage cheese casserole with fruit welcome!

Cottage cheese diet is recommended once a week. If necessary for the body to be more favorable to alternate it with other, more bland diet.

Rice diet.

Assumes 50 grams of boiled raw rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Of course, with stewed apples or tomatoes. Salt should be avoided, and fruit - to experiment. Rice diet is usually administered once or twice a week, depending on how intense you are putting the problem of weight loss. Combine rice diet need to diet of dried fruit or cucumber diet.
Rice Diet

Fish diet.

This five meals unsalted fish with a side dish that can serve as cabbage, cucumbers or tomatoes. Each serving of rice should not exceed 100 grams. From drinks recommended unsweetened tea or broth hips.

Buckwheat diet.

Regulates metabolism and clears the body of various toxins.
The whole day to eat only buckwheat. In porridge can add onions, sunflower oil, and even honey. Wash down again unsweetened tea or stewed fruit. Buckwheat and fish diet observe twice a week, preferably with a pause after three days. In between, you can also select kefir diet.

The diet of dried fruits.

Especially useful for hypertension, circulatory failure, nephritis, liver and biliary tract. Involves five meals soaked prunes, dried apricots or raisins 100 grams.

Kefir diet.

Provides five cups of yogurt a day of culture. Yogurt or yogurt can be sweetened with fruit or add nutmeg, but not sugar.

Oatmeal diet.

It is recommended for patients with diabetes and atherosclerosis obesity. Five times a day, 140 grams of oatmeal, cooked in water. Plus 1-2 cups of unsweetened tea or broth hips.

Mixed diet.

Firstly, the six cups of warm milk. Secondly, 350 grams of lean boiled meat. Or boiled fish. Thirdly, 50-60 grams of fresh vegetables. All of the above must be distributed on four receptions.
Mixed diet is not as strong as others limit the consumption of certain components, but only reduces their number, so a mixed diet can observe up to three or four times a week, if the body is such a load can easily handle.

Vegetable diet.

Half to two kilograms of vegetables. Best of all, if a raw salad or salad. Permission is granted to season salad with mayonnaise, vegetable oil, vinegar, and even sugar. Vegetable diet is recommended to comply with one or two times a week, alternating it with kefir, cottage cheese, or a combination diets.

Cucumber diet.

Three pounds of fresh cucumbers divided into five parts. For dinner you can also eat 50 grams of cooked meat or one egg and drink one glass of sweet tea is not. Restrictions cucumber diet does not exist. This is one of the safest and most easily transported diet, so it can adhere even to five times a week, if necessary.

Tags: diet