Very good shape forms a regular swimming - sign up to the nearest pool and try not to miss a workout. If you can, then swim every day - in this case should not just splash around in the water and swim hard, try different styles to bring your body to perfection intensity. Start with small figures and every day increases your workout - you strengthen blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the heart, lose weight quickly.
Losing weight is unrealistic without regular exercise at the gym - women is best to choose heavy loads in the fitness center, and men can round up the muscles in the gym. Will only be effective duration of training, which lasts at least an hour - increase the number of approaches that minimizes the time interval between sets, watch the amount of cardio. This is precisely the duration of the workout will help train the cardiovascular system and is ideal for sgonki muscles. Only painstaking work on a help you generate elastic body and relief.
Losing weight depends on how often you eat. It is best to set the optimal 6-times mode - eat 6 times a day, small portions and digestible food. Avoid sugary, fatty and fried foods. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, cook mucous cereal with milk, prepare salads and boiled meat.
Periodically dilute their power cardio dance classes - a couple of times a week go to the modern dance. This will help you to learn to feel and control your body and keep fit at the level that you will achieve by loss of muscle mass.