How to get better on vacation

How to get better on vacation
 People tend to leave a state of relaxation - rest means leisure activities and admission to all the pleasures available. But how frustrating is to realize that all efforts to bring about the desired shape parameters are reduced to zero a couple of weeks of vacation.

Think vacation in advance - consider all possible options for recreation and assess risks. The risks include the holding of rest in a familiar place, where all long familiar and acquainted with grief. Choose active travel - new countries, cities, spas, to be able to move more, walking and seeing the sights.

Attractive in this respect tourism - walking and bus tours, rich entertainment program, enough exercise. Feel free to "get involved" in all of the proposed adventure - skydiving, hiking with a picnic by the fire, the conquest of the mountain peaks - you get not only an unforgettable experience of a lifetime, but also productively relax, make new friends and associates.

But even by the quiet, "lazy" holiday, you can create the conditions to not gain extra pounds. Do not change your eating habits - if you normally settle for lodging daily diet, you should not increase the number of meals. If tempted to try new, exotic dishes for you large, eat - fractional decrease the normal portions and eat 5 or 6 times a day.

Try to resist the urge to try all the dishes at once proposed for many traditional resorts "buffet". Develop your own power system - every day you try one of the offered desserts in the morning, at lunch assess deli meats, vegetable salads supper. This menu will help maintain harmony and to get acquainted with the taste of each dish.

Be careful with snacks - sweets, snacks, alcoholic beverages in a certain amount significantly overload the digestive system, which together with the main meals "help" recover easily and quickly.

Moderation and alternative ways of obtaining pleasure protect you and help to keep only good impression of a holiday.

Tags: pounds, slim