How to eat, so as not to gain weight

How to eat, so as not to gain weight
 The quest for beauty's own body often causes women to think about that is, when and how much. Proper nutrition is not only guarantee of good health, but also a good figure. It is only necessary to follow a healthy diet.
 First of all, you need to get used to eat at certain times. Life of modern people is not always possible at the exact hour snack and do not always give time to cook healthy food. Yet it is desirable to divide the food into three stages: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast is almost the most important. Dinner should be held for at least three hours before bedtime. Most cases of excess weight is associated with receiving the bulk of the food in the evening or even at bedtime.

Also make sure that you eat it. It is recommended to stick to caloric intake in 1500-1800 calories a day. Useful fasting days in which you can eat food caloric no more than 800 calories.

In your body should act carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber. The main thing that the food was balanced. Carbohydrates are useful and harmful. Harmful - the most delicious. Sweets, pastry, ice cream - all enemies of her slender figure. Eat cereals, fruits, vegetables and honey. These foods are digested slowly and give a feeling of satiety. Fats also required by the body, but in smaller amounts. Wherein the vegetable fat is more useful than the animal as cholesterol contained in animal fat, reduced life expectancy. As for protein, it is very important for weight loss. After all, it does not allow the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. For processing protein foods leaves a lot of energy.

Fiber perfectly cleanses the body, thus creating a feeling of satiety. It is in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and cereals.

Sure, if you diversify your menu, is not only a semi-finished products and canned goods, you can bring your body back to normal. The abundance of fruits and berries would kill the desire for chocolate and other sweets.

As for drinks, water is needed to maintain a stable weight. At day to drinking 2, 5 liters. Drink tea, juices, milk drinks, mineral water. Do not abuse the coffee and soda.

Improper diet always leads to excess weight and stomach problems. Eat a balanced diet, count calories and follow a diet. Then the weight will never be a problem.

Tags: diet, nutrition, weight loss