How to deal with the effects of holidays

How to deal with the effects of holidays
 In addition to the joy and fun, holidays can bring you health problems and overweight. To avoid trouble, grasp the elimination of the negative consequences of rapid leisure.
 Try to get enough sleep to recuperate. Sleep in a well ventilated area.

If you have abused alcohol, your body will suffer from dehydration. To bring your skin in a fresh new look, make a moisturizing mask. Remove dark circles and bags around the eyes to help teabags. Boil them cool and place on eyelids, and after 10 minutes, remove and wash with cool water.

After libations your body needs vitamin C. Drink fresh orange juice or green tea.

After eating too difficult to enter into a regular rhythm, but you should try. Perfect breakfast dish is oatmeal with apple. During the day, refrain from fatty foods. Eat mostly fresh fruits and vegetables.

Drink plenty of fluids. It will help bring toxins accumulated in the body. Avoid coffee and black tea. Eat pure or mineral water, as well as green tea and hibiscus.

If you caught postprazdnichnaya depression, try to escape from the gloomy thoughts, for example, by watching comedy, favorite music or read an interesting book. Also, you can help shopping, going to the beauty salon or cleaning the apartment. Do not give in to discouragement, get along or work.

Try to spend more time outdoors. So you quickly restore strength and health. If possible, move more, communicate with friends.

Half an hour swim in the pool or open water. You will feel the vitality and renewal. Swimming can be replaced by taking a bath with sea salt or a cold shower.

Observe the mode of the day. Holidays can knock you out with the usual routine. Now your task - as soon as possible to restore it. If you can not fall asleep at night, drink a cup of warm milk with honey.

Well get into a rhythm help sports. Go to the fitness club, or at least do a little stretching at home.

Tags: form, the ambassador, the consequence