How to clean the body of toxins by home recipes

How to clean the body of toxins by home recipes
 To enhance immunity and improve the work of the organs necessary to periodically cleanse the body of accumulated decay products, harmful, toxic and foreign substances. Cleanse the body can be dieting, fasting, herbal blends, taking laxatives, etc.
 Most polluted body of the human body - the intestines. Daily pass through it processed substances which may be delayed, forming a solid stool, poisoning the body decay products. You can clean the intestines using laxatives reception compositions - Herbal infusions of drugs, enemas. Get involved frequent enemas is not necessary, as this may cause a weakening of natural peristalsis. Well cleanses the intestines porridge of rice and oatmeal - an equal amount you need to boil without the addition of salt and sugar, cool and eat in the morning and in the evening for a few days. This structure helps to eliminate the remnants of undigested food and foreign particles, heals minor damage to the intestinal walls.

Vegetables rich in fiber, help cleanse the intestines quickly and efficiently - they act like a broom that sweeps away all superfluous. Beets, cabbage, greens - they can be consumed raw or boil, simmer. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins also have the ability to remove toxins, providing a slight laxative effect.

Liver often suffers from the effects of the toxins that it holds, cleaning the blood. Her virgin olive oil, oatmeal, herbs, special techniques of yoga practice and so on.

In joints accumulate inorganic salts and calcium, which leads to a violation of their flexibility, mobility and severe pain. Preventive measures to clean the joints of toxins will help to minimize unpleasant consequences - course of a potato water, drink from tangerine peel and black currant leaves, etc.

Tasty and healthy product that allows you to quickly clean the kidneys - watermelon. One day watermelon diet is useful and not burdensome, and sometimes even helps to eliminate small stones.

Cleansing the blood is made inclusion in the diet of sorrel, mountain ash, red currant, barberry. Ginger drink dissolves cholesterol plaques and stimulates digestion, so it is often used in cleansing purposes.

The practice of fasting enables authorities to cleanse, relax and starts the self-cleaning mechanism of the body - during the fasting days should drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins.

Tags: body, home, condition, cleansing, toxins, toxins, cleaning