How to achieve a beautiful figure

How to achieve a beautiful figure
 Slender female figure draws admiring glances of men, is the envy of pyshnotelye ladies, and its possessor can be proud of ideal forms. Achieve a beautiful silhouette is possible by means of physical activity and proper nutrition.

Are not excluded from the diet foods containing protein (meat, eggs, milk, cheese), as well as fatty fish and vegetable oils. Reduce your intake of red meat, it must have boiled and not more than 2 times a week.

Do not eat after six o'clock in the evening, at this time decreases the rate of metabolism in the body. If you can not overcome yourself, you can eat green apple, drink a glass of milk or yogurt.

To understand what parts of the body need to work, determine the type of the figure. The author of this classification, Robert Kennedy, put it in the basis of similarity with the figures in the Latin alphabet. Closer to the ideal of its forms can be picked up correctly when performing exercises.

Type A. Women of this type have wide hips, full legs and buttocks. In women with a body fat very quickly deposited below the waist. They need to reduce hips, eliminate the "breeches". Should stick to your diet and develop the muscles of the upper body, for example, by means of navigation.

Type N. In women with a body fat accumulates in the abdomen and thighs, they do not have a clear outline between the shoulders, waist and lower body. Silhouette resembles a cylinder. Owners of such a figure should strengthen the muscular abdomen, remove the fat from the sides to work out the waist. For them useful squats, side bends, classes with a hoop.

Type I. Women with a body fine-boned, with poorly developed muscles. For them suitable training on a stationary bike.

Type O. The ladies of this type have boned figure, quickly gaining weight, which is evenly distributed throughout the body. In order to correct such figures need to be engaged in fitness, it helps to burn body fat.

Type T. This type is characterized by broad shoulders and narrow hips, fat is stored in the upper body. Exercises should be directed to the burning of fat in the upper body, the lower part of the need to do more rounded.

Type H. ideal physique. In women with a body about the same width of the shoulders and hips, small waist. Happy owners of this type need to watch my weight and strengthen muscles.

Tags: type, figure correction, figure