Fruit fasting days

Fruit fasting days
 Diet and fasting days - a real test of willpower. But both want to treat yourself to something tasty! If an important event to have a few days, and to the desired numbers on the scales - a couple of pounds, try to arrange the fruit body "discharge." It is not only useful but also delicious. Arrange fasting day can be one or two times a week.
 Apples - fruit available all year round. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, contain fiber, iron, folic acid, pectin. Apple fasting day will help bring the body of excess fluid, to get rid of swelling and digestive problems.

Buy half a kilo of apples favorite varieties. It is desirable that they were grown in your area - then you can be absolutely sure that your body gets the nutrients it needs. Spread the fruit on the 6 meals.

To diversify the menu, not only eat raw apples, but try to bake a few pieces in the oven (with a minimum amount of sugar or no), grate, mash to get tender. You can also replace a portion of fresh fruit, dried, which will be a great addition to hot tea.

In the summer months you can cleanse the body with the help of plum fasting days. This fruit is rich in B vitamins, as well as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Remember that plums have a laxative effect, so these should not be fasting days to arrange too often. It is better to alternate them with other fruit mini diets. But one "prune" the day you can get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

You will need 1-2 kg of fresh fruit. If possible, eat not only plum, plum and that is useful, no less. Allowed to drink clean water, green tea and herbal teas from the petals of chamomile, mint and others.

Another great idea for a quick cleansing organizma- peach fasting day. Peaches are rich in potassium, so it is especially useful for those who have problems with the heart. Sweet juicy fruits help to cope with hunger and are an effective means to combat swelling and excess weight. In addition, peach diet will improve complexion, make the skin more elastic and smooth.

For one day "discharge", you will need 2 kg of peaches or nectarines. You can combine these fruits with apricots or dried apricots. In between meals (15 minutes before or one hour after) drink herbal teas, water or coffee without milk.

Tags: diet