Fasting day on porridge

Fasting day on porridge
 Diets that promise miraculous weight loss, a lot. But not all of them are equally efficient and helpful. However, for example, only one fasting day on oatmeal will significantly reduce waist, with health and without the painful feeling of hunger.

Lose Weight on porridge

Hercules is not in vain widely popular as a traditional porridge for breakfast. He has exceptional health benefits, improving the digestive system and saturating the body with vitamins. Therefore, oatmeal is the perfect option for useful handling of the day. It is best to choose a diet whole grain cereal, instead, do not require cooking, as a preliminary processing industry consumes almost all of the nutrients in the product.

Options for handling day to porridge

There are several options for possible diets on oatmeal. The most common is a fasting day on plain oatmeal. For this cup of rolled oats to pour three cups of water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After this cook gruel without adding salt, sugar or oil. The resulting mess is to be divided into 5 equal portions and eat during the day. Half an hour after each meal to drink water, tea or coffee, of course, no sugar.

To drink during the day well suited broth hips.

In addition to traditional porridge, for the discharge of the day can be cooked oatmeal soup. To do this, take 2, 5 glasses of skim milk, bring to a boil and add half a cup of oats. For a taste of the soup can spice teaspoon ground cinnamon. Simmer until cooked dish of oatmeal and eat during the day, drinking tea, water or broth hips. If weight loss does not matter to you, and you just aim for lightness and cleaning the body is allowed to drink low-fat yogurt.

For one day a discharge easily throw a pound extra.

Most unusual option handling of the day is the food oatmeal cookies. Certainly not out of the store, and home prepared independently of Hercules. To do this, 2/3 cup oatmeal grind in a coffee grinder, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, half a mashed banana, 3 egg whites and 1 ch. l. cinnamon powder. Stirring mass refill boiled water until you get the consistency of sour cream. Forming cookie spoon, place the dough on a baking sheet for baking paper. Bake until tender, about 20 minutes. The finished cookies should be divided into 5 portions and eat throughout the day with tea or low-fat yogurt.

Tags: diet, oatmeal, slimming, Hercules, day