A strict diet and starvation - "pros" and "cons".

A strict diet and starvation - "pros" and "cons".
 Deciding to lose weight, she often resorts to the most extreme measures: strict diet that eliminates a huge amount, including useful to an organism, or switches to starvation. This can not be explained by any self-flagellation, even the most unforeseen circumstances. And if in respect of a strict diet can give some recommendations that people who chose starvation need help for mental health professionals. Conscious person can not deprive yourself of food, since even small children know that the body dies without food.
 The problem of excess pounds care of women of all ages. But it all begins in adolescence, when the senses are sharpened and especially any mention about the imperfections of others can bring to a deep depression. More often than not, these girls and have resorted to extreme measures - they are no longer there. Parents are constantly at work and can not trace what and how their child eats. Begin to pay attention only when she begins to resemble a skeleton with skin, faints, begins to behave inappropriately. At first, this condition is associated with drug-taking. And it starts torture for a teenager. And then the hospital, intensive care, long months of recovery, mental hospital.

And the prospect of waiting for everyone who wants to quickly get rid of excess weight, not bothering to diets and depriving your body with food at all. Less destructive, but also quite dangerous strict diet. It excludes from the diet all foods containing fats, proteins, carbohydrates, glucose and other required for proper functioning of the body substance. The advantage is that the effect occurs fairly quickly, because all the products that can accumulate, are excluded. However, all suffer from the structural components and primarily brain. Not receiving power, he begins to run slower vessels tighten, become thin and brittle. May occur early strokes.

If you decided to go on a strict diet, open the directory and see what you can replace those foods from which you refuse. For example, animal fats, which, indeed, in the diet is best not to use, can be replaced by vegetable: sunflower, corn, olive, soybean oil. Animal proteins, as well plant contained in legumes and certain vegetables. Glucose reserves can be replenished using honey or dried fruit (apples, pears, pineapple, dried apricots, prunes).
So you no complications for the body's own can achieve the goal: to become slim and beautiful.


Tags: diet, fasting