How to create a fashionable image

How to create a fashionable image
 Often, women look in the mirror, are dissatisfied with their appearance. Some are not satisfied with the hair, clothes or other figure. Many people want to change their image, or at least make minor adjustments.
 To begin with well thought out his new style. Take a sheet of paper and describe in detail all the nuances. Create a completely new image, which will be radically different from the former, not an easy task. But most women do not need this, you need to slightly change the style of clothing and cause hair in order. Most importantly, you should be comfortable in a new image.

Stay on top of fashion trends, see shows of famous designers and read fashion magazines. Just do not blindly imitate the latest fashions, it is better to follow your style. Fashion - fickle thing, trends change and go, but style is eternal. What is a style? There is no single answer to this question. The style consists of many parts and the internal state of a person. But there is a golden rule of good style - it is better to be under - than overshoots.

Learn to combine things. Do not be afraid to experiment with bright dresses. Before you go out, try on clothes at home several options, pick them shoes and accessories. Well, if your house has a large mirror, then you can appreciate the whole image as a whole. There are well-known expression of Sonia Rykiel, "Stand in the mirror one hour, two, four, day two, fifteen, a whole month - until you realize that you are going and what is not." Of course it is not necessary to spend all day in front of a mirror, but the pre-fitting clothing should be several options.

Just spin the mirror, changing clothes is not enough. Pay attention to the details and things that emphasize your strengths and hide figure flaws. A lot depends on the proportions of the body. It is important that the silhouette was balanced. Determine your type of figure. There are several varieties of shapes: apple, pear, hourglass, rectangle. And what's right "pear" is absurd look at the "box." Find out what things are preferable to wear women, with your figure. But do not take everything literally, this is just a recommendation, trust yourself and improvise.

It is very important to choose the right color clothes. Unsuccessful shade you can visually add a few years to make a dress or vulgar, regardless of the quality and cut things. In addition, it is important to learn how to dress for a variety of activities. Strict classic suit - to work, jeans and bright top - for a party and evening dress for a hike in the theater. These are the basics, your task is to choose the appropriate options for each individual case.

Accessories - your top aides in creating a fashionable image. Jewelry, scarves, gloves, hats and handbags can turn quite ordinary outfit into a work of art. As decorations you can use an unusual and stylish jewelry, but on shoes and handbags better not to save. Suppose you have only two bags, but of excellent quality.

Remember that meet on clothes, and escorted her too. That is why it is so important to look good and be properly dressed, corresponding to the situation. If not immediately, by trial and error, but you will find their own style, just need to just try.

Tags: image, style, image, fashion