Handmade - it is fashionable

Handmade - ? ?
 In an effort to stand out from the crowd, women are willing to pay crazy amounts for the exclusive and new items. But the cost of things in a single copy can reach the level of your monthly salary. Being hostage to fashion trends, bogged down in debt easily. And where is there a guarantee that the clothes, for example, unique? Another thing - the dress made with his own hands. It is not only original, bold, charming, but also fashionable. Decorate a T-shirt, decorate a bag, sew skirt from scratch - and you already jealous.

Needlewoman seamstress and worthy of praise, respect and recognition, such people make the world brighter and more varied fashion. Manual work has always been in the price, and in the past, and in the current delights all walks of life. Man-made beauty creates a new trend on the catwalks of the world, differing warmth and sincerity that is missing in today's "mass-production" conveyor type. Every thing created by the master, is a piece of his soul, mood, outlook on life. Handmade - it's not just clothes and shoes, as well as accessories, decorative items, furniture, created under the order, gifts and souvenirs. The demand for original works proves once and that the same type of pattern set are no longer satisfied modern fashionistas and fashionistas, connoisseurs and special.

Handmade - it is fashionable, because:

• is the creation of original, unique things. Evening dress, knitted swimsuit, leopard coat sewn size from the size replenish your wardrobe and cheer up;

• it is a source of pride and envy. Well, who has not dreamed of a clutch of peacock feathers, a wedding dress handmade, which had been worked with dozens of skilled workers;

• it is a great hobby and pastime. Favorite hobby is fun, and time passes to good use. It's much better view of the infinite "soap" series;

• an opportunity to please yourself always new things. Usual jeans can become a mini-shorts, a simple cardigan - Club outfit, gray coat - a stunning stylish thing;

• It can be a good way to earn money. Many masters have long foraged so. Pads for room decor, wedding ring pillows, blankets and quilts handmade, carved boxes and bracelets made of leather. There are goods, then buyer will be found;

• way to save. To spend money on things that you can create yourself, perhaps irrationally. Give a few thousand rubles for vintage scarf large knitted not worth it if you can do the same, or even better;

• it is a manifestation of your talents and abilities;

• is the embodiment of your personality. These things reflect your inner world, look at the surrounding reality. Can you imagine your own style, your outlook on the ideals and trends.

If you've never tried something to sew or do it yourself, you have a good reason to start. Try small. For example, zadekoriruyte shirt or T-shirt. You will need: threads, needles, rhinestones, lace and various beads. Ribbon lace is gathered and can tack on the bottom edge of the shirt. On reinforced thread strung beads and beads, making long beads and staple the ends. This decoration fasten at the shoulder seams and loose rhinestones decorate the back. You will have a wonderful new thing - the "second life" for podnadoevshego things.

Authoring earrings also will not take much time. Use feathers, shells, wood pendants and accessories for the manufacture of jewelry. A little perseverance and imagination to bear fruit.

Try, create and develop.

Tags: clothes, thing, handmade, trend