Fashion accessories with their hands

Fashion accessories with their hands
 Crafts long ceased to be a lot of grandmothers sitting at the entrance. Hand-made went to the big stage and presents its rights to date. This woman of fashion should not only be aware of all new products and fashion squeaks, but also be able to make an unusual accessory with their own hands.  

Skilful hands can all: to make design furniture for the living room, to come up with a pretty picture for manicure and beautify themselves relevant stuff. For example, just two nights, you can knit a scarf with ruffles - a fashion accessory, which is also perfectly fit into your wardrobe with the onset of cold weather.

For such a three scarf need not thick skeins of wool or the other thread, e.g., acrylic, wool if you are not suitable for any reason. In addition, prepare wool hook number 4.

Tie a string of 140 loops, the first row knit columns without nakida. In the second row in each column knit two more column without nakida. The converse is true, provyazyvaya in each column one post with no nakida. In the third row in each column knit two already polustolbika with nakida. Then go back and knit in each column with one polustolbiku nakida.

Fourth row repeats the third. In the fifth row in each polustolbike knit on two columns with nakida. Now go back and knit in each column one post with nakida. Scarf ready. If you want to increase its width, repeat the fifth row. Look - if such a fashionable scarf knit from fine threads, from a distance it will look like a real exquisite lace. He decorate autumn coat and would be relevant even in the cold winter.

Who would have thought that ... you can even tie a bracelet! As a basis you can use an old plastic or wooden bracelet, but you can go even further. Take the usual plastic napkin under the cutlery, cut a strip from her desired width (4.3 cm or 5 cm, whichever you prefer). Ends stapled and get to work. Need about 50 grams of wool or any suitable yarn, needles and needles for sewing.

Dial 10-13 loops and knit patterned hosiery dense 22-24 cm. Stocking st - alternating series of right and wrong loops. The last row close, resulting strip sew in the ring. Now pull the workpiece on the bracelet, the inner side of sour cream. Tie knot and thread hide inside. This bracelet is suitable and homemade scarf with ruffles.

Every fashionista in your wardrobe should be a little black dress and a small black handbag, clutch, which is easy to make your own hands. It can sew from the remnants of leather, velvet or suede. Need a size 28x40 cm fabric, the fabric on the lining, zipper (zip) 25 cm long and chain handle (about 140 cm long).

Of the base fabric, cut two halves handbag size 28x40 cm. The front side garnish with a delay on the diagonal, for example. Now every detail handbags pristrochite to lightning. Fold the halves face to each other, prostrochite on the sides and the bottom.

Lining to make the same size. It is necessary to invest in, tucking the upper edge, and sew by hand zipper hidden seam. Now for chain-handle. Cut it into two parts - 60 B and 80 cm. Long stretch stitch to the upper corners of the bag. Smaller segment will need to decorate: place it in an arc along the line delay and hand stitch the upper links to the fabric. Clutch is ready.

They say nothing of the woman can do a lot, including the most fashionable and elegant accessories that will cause the admiration and envy of undoubted friends.

Tags: scarf, hand strap, ruff, clutch, accessory, fashionista