There are many types of piercing, which can be divided into three categories - classic, intimate and extreme. The most common - a classic piercing, it is treated navel piercing, nose, eyebrows, tongue, ears. And piercing the earlobe piercings are not considered, but only the usual puncture.
In the nose piercing is done in the nostrils, but note that in any case it is impossible to pierce hryaschiki. If it is done correctly, the decoration will not create discomfort with a cold or fall.
As for intimate piercing, the women can do a puncture in the pit upper labia. Neither the clitoris or the hood should not be pierced. This type of piercing is called extreme, sores in these places much bleed and do not heal.
Perhaps the most popular piercings among women is piercing your navel. However, this place needs special attention, as the wounds are long delayed due to the constant contact with clothing.
The most dangerous place for piercing - language, as in the mouth is full of bacteria and infections are always moist environment, the remnants of a meal. Sometimes pierced tongue leads to a loss of taste. After a puncture wound swells and bleeds heavily. Avoid complications and promote faster healing will be the right care, which will tell a professional master.
Among the thrill huge popularity of extreme piercing - piercing the forehead, nose, coccyx, scrotum, nipples, lacing along the spine. However, this piercing is very dangerous and serious in his interiors do not.
To avoid complications, piercing experts advise not to visit bath, sauna, solarium, take hot baths, sleeping on your stomach until they are healed. If the puncture site swollen and reddened, you must immediately consult a specialist. Do not soak the wound for four days and treat twice daily 3% hydrogen peroxide at night lubricate the puncture site linimentom sintomitsina. Jewellery Put only after complete healing of the wound.