For centuries it was known as the aromas affect human sexuality. The impact of odors on sensuality has been repeatedly confirmed by many well-known in the history of women seductress. Our sense of smell is quite strong and sophisticated, and human beings are distinguished each other by only one smell.
Everyone knows that men like women perceive and eyes, men and women - ears. All true, except for one "but". It turns out, according to the latest research in this area, men and women "feel" each other by smell. Everyone has a personal "nature spirits". At the heart of the individual odor of men and women are a variety of factors, many of which are specific to the immune and hormonal systems, bioenergy field and dwelling bacteria on the skin. This smell is as unique as a fingerprint, and quite strongly determines the attractiveness of different people for us.
What flavors enhance our natural scents more?
According to the physiological point of view, the use of incense is used for different purposes and is divided into several categories. The first category is the overall aim - neutralizing odors in the air and enhance sexual feelings when exposed to the human nervous system. This oil such as thyme, cypress, ginger and others.
The task of the second category of incense is a direct impact on the sexual sphere, as well as in strengthening or weakening of individual sexual odors, excitation or elimination of erotic fantasies. These scents are already divided into male and female. By essential oils are male nutmeg, sandalwood, cinnamon, cedar, and to women - bitter almond, ylang-ylang, rose, neroli, geranium and jasmine.
Finally, the third group of oils that are suitable equally for men and women, creating the most persistent flavors include lavender, rosemary, patchouli, bergamot and juniper. Can be used at their discretion once all three groups, but you can stop and on one of them.