One of the most effective treatment industries imbalance six elements considered aromatherapy. For example, the energy excess moisture there is increasing anxiety, insomnia. In such cases, the scent of lavender helps - just drop a couple of drops on the pillow before going to bed.
Wind energy - the energy of youth, renewal and growth of its lack of evidence apathy, depression, decreased tone, and in severe cases - sinusitis, atherosclerosis, and even asthma. Help restore the supply of wind energy can essential oils of eucalyptus and citrus all. Without a properly functioning wind energy can not be the emergence of life energy - ie the heat.
Lack of energy heat affects the digestive organs, hormonal background of the organism and the state of the cardiovascular system. Receive heat energy by using the coniferous essential oils, tea tree oil, rosemary, camphor. And yet, says Eastern wisdom, you just have to enjoy life, every single day, then the heat will be happy just to warm inside.
But the energy of heat - the harmonizing of all. This optimal state of psychophysical mood person. Feed this energy by using the scents of jasmine, neroli, ylang - ylang. These oils normalize emotional state, give confidence.
If overcome by irrational fear - is dominated by cold energy. And if we added an allergic reaction worsens blood clotting - a situation urgently needed to save aromakureniyami oils of fennel, dill, ginger, anise. Lack of energy humidity affects the emotional state, normalize condition flavors of basil and cinnamon. And yet, according to Eastern philosophy - all in our thoughts. Think positive and be healthy.