Spirits of essential oils - create your own fragrance

 Every woman is unique. Know about it all. Yet, despite the fact that each of us is sure that it is the most-most, we have something similar to each other. Habits, clothing, makeup, clothes washed individual features, making of us universal, average, monotonous residents of big cities. And like all the same to be the only one to look for a second and did not find. One option to create a personality - think of your own smell. After all, even the hero Al Pacino said that this woman can be recognized by the smell. Women's magazine JustLady knows the secrets of creating your own smell, which can be a maddening anyone. And Al Pacino, too.

In the rubric Aromatherapy: bath with essential oils

Humanity has always tried to create something. One of the oldest recipes, extant - this Egyptian incense "Kifi." Create it is not too difficult. To do this you need: 4 parts Frankincense 2 parts Myrrh 2 parts putty, 2 parts of benzoin, cedar 1 part, 1 part of juniper, cypress, 1 part, 1 part calamus, cassia 1 part 1 part cinnamon, 1 part ginger, 1 part cardamom, ½ part orris (fixing odor), a few drops of blue lotus (lily Nile blue), or rose oil, 2 parts of raisin (previously soaked for several hours in wine), red wine, honey. These spirits were intended solely for crowned heads ... but we are worse? At the very least, try to createperfumes from essential oils we can.

To create your ownperfumes from essential oilsComparable with the best examples of "olfactory" art does not need to be a venerable perfumer, you need to have a sense of taste and desire to create. And a few bottles with aromatic essential oils.

Before you start to mix essential oils to create an original scent, one characteristic you and reflect your personality to remember a few rules of making perfumes. All essential oils are divided into three categories: "top note", "heart" and "basic".

Top note - These are essential oils of orange, verbena, bergamot, limetta, lemon, mint and mandarin.

Heart note - Geranium, ylang-ylang, jasmine, iris, hyssop, lavender, lemon balm, mimosa, myrtle, clary sage, neroli, rose, chamomile, tuberose.

The main note - For her suit galbanum, clove, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, frankincense, juniper, musk, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, Emily.

Perfume may be alcohol-based or oil-based. Latestperfumes from essential oils more stable, they have deep flavors that are revealed gradually. Generally, as the base oil, jojoba oil is used. Just need the dishes, which will prepare the magical smells. Better to take a ceramic or glass, these bowls are not oxidized, and therefore nothing will spoil any appearance of any flavor. And, of course, beautiful bottles to your miracle kept in befitting frame.

You should remember that essential oils not only smell good, but also contain active ingredients that positively affect the health and psyche.Spirits of essential oils not only add charm to your appearance, but also help to solve various problems. As a basis you must take 10 drops of jojoba oil and add 10 drops of essential oils do20 of your choice. First you need to pour in jojoba oil "fundamentals". Smell. Better for this use paper strips, if the smell like, put it on the back of the hand. Wait a while and try to smell again. Select as the "heart" notes the most lovely smell you, then "top" note. Each time you add the following oil thoroughly mix all the ingredients. If I suddenly found that some smell strongly "outweighs" simply dilute spirits obtained either one of the oils, or lavender.

Spirits of essential oils - create your own fragrance

Recipes spirits of essential oils

Before proceeding to the religious rite for the production of exclusively individual perfume, women's magazine JustLady advises to start the warm up with ready-made recipes.

Spirits "Sylvia". The carrier alcohol or oil-based add 5 drops of frankincense and myrrh, 2-3 drops limetta and orange and 1 drop of peppermint. The smell is supposed to be easy, a little bluff, with a pleasant note of orange. Helps to maintain mental balance, adds optimism.

For sports and motivated women suit spirits "Sonia". 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 2 drops of cypress, 3 drops of clary sage, myrrh and bergamot, 1 drop of peppermint and lemon.

"Living dew"4 drops of sweet orange, 10 drops lemon 6 drops of mandarin, 8 drops frankincense 5 drops of neroli. Solutions of essential oils in 11 ml of purified good vodka. Improves blood flow to the brain, helps to concentrate.

Spirits of essential oils for those who are afraid to gain weight. On 8 drops of essential oil of honey to take 3 drops of jasmine, bergamot and 5 drops of grapefruit, 1 drop of rose. Bergamot - a kind of "lock" appetite. So use these spirits can be daily, especially if you need to get in shape fast.

Spirits of essential oils to insecure. 3 drops of benzoyl 8 drops of sandalwood, patchouli 2 drops 5 drops of chamomile, ylang-ylang and bergamot mixed with 10 ml of vodka.

And finally, add the real magic of feelings and desires of attraction. If she really wants to get married, but no one takes, you can try using the following composition: 4 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 1 drop of oil of cardamom, vanilla oil 1 drop, 2 drops of lavender oil Stir in 3 tablespoons of sweet almond oil. Need to use perfume every Thursday after taking a shower - it does not mean that it is necessary to take a shower once a week, or just all suitors flee, just Thursday so very magical day. If narrowed noticed and came, JustLady advises, to enhance the effect and discharge passions, cookperfume aphrodisiacs.

10 drops of jojoba oil, add 2 drops of bergamot, 2 drops of sandalwood and 1 drop of vanilla and cinnamon. Effect - stunning. These spirits, by the way, fit and couples who have been married for a long time, this fragrance will refresh the senses and give this night of love and tenderness.

In general, love you, ladies, health and magic of creativity. And all the rest - will follow.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil, spirit, recipe, flavor