Evolution of flavors

Evolution of flavors
 To date, the spirits became very important element of the expression of the human personality, with the help of these people emphasizes your style, taste and character. There is a huge market for spirits, which is represented by a variety of flavors to suit every taste, perfume companies conduct large-scale advertising campaigns, and in perfume shop you can always find buyers. However, it was not always.
 Before the production and sale of spirits have come to represent the whole industry, it took a long period of time and the Herculean efforts of those who have experimented with numerous flavors for many centuries.

The oldest tanks with substances having a pleasant smell, have been found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, relating to the V century BC. In addition to these findings, mention of such fragrances as incense and the world, recorded in the books of the Old Testament.

In ancient times, fragrant substances of plant origin did not perform the function of perfume and used for medicinal purposes, primarily as a psychotropic substance. For example, peace and incense were widely used during ritual ceremonies. In ancient Egypt, fragrant plants play a role of antibacterial agents were used during the embalming of dead bodies nobles.

The term "perfume" got its name at the confluence of two Latin words: «per» - «by» and «fumum» - «the smoke." This name came from the fact that the characteristic smell of incense appeared through the process of combustion. It was the oldest and easiest way to take a pleasant smell. The first combined odors learned Arabs, they used a special cube, which allows for more extensive use of the distillation process. The first European perfumers who have learned to mix smells, considered French pharmacists who have mastered this skill in the XII century.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, perfumes made a major breakthrough ahead, flavoring agents commonly used to fight with raging at the time, the plague, as well as for personal hygiene. From the XIV century aromatic substances began to fill special tanks - "Pomander", and as an antibacterial agent, always carried with them.

"Pomander" made of precious metals in the form of fruit or animal silhouettes. Its name "Pomander" received because of the word «pomme d% 6mbre» - «fragrant apple", due to the fact that most often, these tanks were in the form of apple, which is composed of four separate lobes, and each of them filled with different scented substance .

Along with aromatic substances, undercarriage tobacco products at the time considered a variety of alchemical mixture. People believed that such mixtures have the property to bring sensuality. In their composition, in addition to materials of natural origin, were also substances and products of animal origin, such as amber and musk.

In the XVI century in great demand are beginning to use gloves soaked in fragrant aromas. Engaged in this special master - "glovers" Improve your skills with the XII century. Manufactured by these masters, gloves for a long time maintained a pleasant smell and enjoyed great popularity among the nobility. Begun "Glover" was continued by tailors. It is they who, while searching for ways to fix the smell, started using alcohol as a basis aromatics than revolutionized the perfume business at that time.

In the XVII century, to replace the floral and fruity smell, coming musk. Musk is a substance that is extracted from the gonads of males of some mammals. This material has a specific smell, and also allows for longer maintain flavor. This substance, and today is widely used in perfumery for fixing odor. However, Europeans are not the first one to use the musk in perfume to the East is a substance used for a few centuries earlier.

In the XVIII century perfume in secular circles are beginning to use everywhere. Spirits during this period is very widely used, since the application of perfume on the face and body, and ending the use of perfume during the construction of houses and fountains. Most of the ladies of high society of the era had in his retinue person specialized in perfumes and fragrances.

In the XIX century, the scientific progress made great progress, which could not be reflected in the perfume industry. Through research in the field of chemistry, perfumers learned to synthesize a variety of flavors, which allowed to start production of spirits on an industrial scale. The main city of perfume was the German city of Grasse, in the city began to actively recycle flower raw materials, in the amount that would satisfy the industrial scale production of spirits.

In the twentieth century, perfumers, in addition to searching for new flavors, is also seriously engaged in the creation of the ideal form of the vessel for the spirits. It is in this century account for the appearance of spirits, which were the names of their creators. Creator of the first personal line of perfume is considered perfumer Paul Poiret, who in 1911 sold a batch of registered spirits. In addition to Paul Poiret, in the XX century were a success a number of perfumers who used a unique scent, combined with a unique vessel and Marco. These are considered to be perfumers Chanel, Nina Ricci, Dior, Lancome and many others.

In XX century spirits finally become consumer products, there is a huge amount of perfume companies formed a complete market spirits. This century has forever changed the way the spirits, making them very popular products among different populations around the world.

 Author: Mikhailov Lesya

Tags: aroma