Fashion is fickle, not only clothing, but also on the spirits. A woman should always be changed externally and internally. It should always be a mystery. Each woman has their own perfume. For housewives - is one smell for bold business woman - another. Fashion to perfumes is changing rapidly, but professionals are advised not to change yourself and enjoy the spirits that are right for you.
How to know what perfume you fit in?
Many manufacturers produce perfume coupons your product. Buy a sampler to start to understand that smell is right for you or not. Perfume should not cause you any discomfort, by contrast, about 15-20 minutes after application you should stop smell them, although others may enjoy it in full.
How to buy real perfume?
If you want to buy perfume in the store, pay attention to quality. Many boutiques sell faked goods. Do not hesitate to ask the seller documents for the goods. If you are denied, you have the right to complain to the authorities Rospotrebnadzor.
Production of spirits - a very complex process, and artisanal delicate fragrance not get it. First note the store itself. The tray at the bus stop are unlikely to sell branded perfumes. How to determine what's in the box Chanel №5 real flavor and not a fake?
Never mistake a low price. This French perfume is worth at least $ 50 per 10 milliliters. If the seller will assure you that this sale or that it sells confiscated goods, do not believe - this is a common trick scam. Some utility plants for the production of spirits made a typo in the title. When buying carefully look at the packaging. Packing branded spirits looks perfect. You never see typos, inaccurate curves inscriptions and engravings. Everything is done at the highest level. Thin cellophane film should fit snugly inside the box with the spirits. If it's not - it does not mean that you have in your hands is a fake. See to it that the box itself was perfect shape. It shall be the date of manufacture, expiry date and country of manufacture.
Bottle of perfume should be smooth and even. Seams should not stand. If you look at the spirits themselves, then they should not be sediment and turbidity.
You can check the spirits by barcode. The first three digits indicate the country of manufacture.
Only high-quality perfumes can give unforgettable individual flavor. And remember - the same perfume in contact with different skin smell differently.