Perfume based on essential oils: how to use perfume

Perfume based on essential oils: how to use perfume
 Arab oil perfume (Attar) multifaceted sensual fragrance is not like a usual fragrance products. They are spicy and thick, their fragrance lasts throughout the day, gradually revealing in all its depth. These fragrant substances from natural essential oils are produced in the East for several thousand years!
 Attar can be used as usual spirits. You can also add them to your favorite cream for face and body, dripping into the water while taking a bath, apply for the manufacture of cosmetics handmade - primarily household soaps, scrubs, peels and "bombochek" bath. Muslims use them in religious ceremonies (according to one version - though not confirmed by experts - the cause of widespread Attar that the Koran forbids any alcohol, even in perfumes and cosmetics).

Only natural flavors of oil-based without the use of alcohol and synthetics - this is a method of creating the Arab spirits. For the production of oriental perfumes used components of animal origin such as ambergris (solid waxy substance from the digestive tract of whales, which is collected on the shore after a storm; amber aroma of good fixes) and musk (secret glands of male musk deer stag, "roasted" on hot stones in the sun). Use and resins of natural origin - rich in essential oils and incense like him myrrh, which allows other flavors to appear brighter and better. Also needed fragrant wood of agar wood, sandalwood, cedar and juniper and, of course, essential oils of herbs, flowers, roots and seeds. Its odor Arab spirits give tart invigorating clove, spicy ginger tonic and similar turmeric, sweet cardamom, coriander warming, slightly sour black cumin, vetiver root tart, etc..d. 

Going on holiday in Muslim countries (this is true even in Turkey and Egypt), pay attention to the perfume shop. There you can easily choose and buy quality Attar with monoaromatami (vanilla, lotus, cinnamon, etc.) and compositions of smells - like a local with romantic names like "Cleopatra", "Nefertiti" and the like, and a kind of repetition of perfumes brands. The company "Al-Harameyn" (its factories are located in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) - the largest manufacturer of Arab oil perfume for the Muslim world. However, now branded showrooms this manufacturer has in large shopping centers in Europe - because the demand for Attar growing!

Tags: spirit, the foundation, perfume, perfumery, Attar