No matter how beautifully looked faceted bottle filled with spirits and standing on your dresser, in the morning sun, keep it in bulk is not recommended. It is the sun's rays - the first enemy of perfumes. Keep perfume boxes or special sprays, which are made of opaque glass or porcelain.
Containers used to store your favorite perfume should not leak air and moisture. That is why the longest have a chance to survive perfume sprays that are sprayed through the dispenser. This also perfume vial protected from contact with the fingers, which is also undesirable. And do not store opened vials of perfume in the bathroom - it will quickly destroy the original composition.
Expensive perfume oil-based knowingly have a greater cost compared with scented water and spirits, which is composed of alcohol. Alcohol-based composition evaporate and out much faster. Experts believe that the evaporation takes place even in tightly closed lid. To prevent this from perfume, keep them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator ordinary household or buy a special fridge for storing cosmetics.
If, however, alcohol plays out, and at the bottom of the bubble was only oil-based, multiple drops, you can add it in a cream, lotion or shampoo. A modicum of old perfume can be applied to a cotton ball and put it in the closet with the laundry. Delicate aroma of your favorite perfume for a long time will delight you.