Secondly, you have the opportunity to "explore" a box of perfume on the spot. Pay attention to the bar code (it must not be damaged or poorly printed). Do not forget that the first three digits of the barcode - the country code of the manufacturer of the goods. Next, the code of the company (factory or plant) and a particular product.
Be sure to check that the code on the box with the code on the bottle. If you see that it's different figures, from the purchase of this product should be abandoned.
If you decide to purchase perfume through the online store, you will be more difficult to distinguish the original from a fake. First, find out whether the company is ready to provide a certificate on the quality of the goods. If for some reason you are denied this request, please refrain from the purchase. Most likely, the fake goods.
Pay attention to the price level. It's no secret that perfume famous brands are expensive. Therefore, if you see that the prices do not correspond to the actual situation, do not purchase goods. He is completely bogus. There are some brands of spirits, which are released by the manufacturer only piece. Therefore, the perfume of these brands simply can not be put up for sale in the online store.
Each box with perfume must be present sticker with detailed information about the product in Russian, sellers must be prepared to show you the documents confirming that the product purchased from an authorized distributor.