There are various tips about where and how to apply perfume. Someone says that the best thing on the wrist, the elbow, behind the earlobes. Someone thinks that it is best for your hair - they perfectly keep the flavor. But in this case it is better to put on freshly washed, slightly dried hair.
You can sprinkle perfume and flavor to step into the cloud - so spirits will settle evenly on your body and hair. Before applying perfume in this way is better to remove all jewelry, as some products fade from contact with them spirits.
It is important not to overdo the use of fragrance. It is better to apply a little and add a little bit during the day. If you still gushed too much perfume, wipe the whole body with a wet towel, walk around with wet hair comb and dress. If you do not want to change, then air dry your clothes hair dryer for a few minutes.
It is best to keep the aroma oily skin. If you have it dry, then smell quickly erode. In this case you can before actually applying perfume to anoint the skin with fat cream. So the smell will stay longer.
No need to rub the site of application of toilet water or perfume, so you distort it. Refreshing fragrance should be every 4 hours. In order to extend this time, there are some tricks: Apply perfume on the ankle, ankle and inner thighs. Evaporates, the smell will go up and it will prolong the sound of your flavor.
Do not forget that the smell is not immediately, but after some time, somewhere in 15-20 minutes. To enhance the flavor, you can use body lotion or shower gel of the same scent as your perfume. It also prolong the duration of your spirits.
In no case do not need to put perfume on your clothes. Some types of tissue distort flavors with the exception of fur and wool.