Aromatherapy stretch marks - a procedure pleasant, but long. The fight against stretch marks will bring visible results not before a couple of months, subject to the regularity of the procedures. Not less effective essential oils act as a preventive measure to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
To fight stretch marks, you can use a variety of essential oils, but we must remember that they can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, you need to test the oil on a small area of skin. If after applying the discomforts arise, you can start the procedures.
Only need to purchase natural oils have relatively high price. Those obtained by chemical synthesis, have only aromatic value. Pure oils are used, they must dissolve in either basic substances which can be used as a conventional vegetable oil. Sometimes essential oils are added to the body cream, increasing its useful properties.
Mixture with aromatic oils is applied to problem areas with light massage movements. Repeat the procedure you need every day. For the prevention of only two times a week.
You can alternate recipes, making a daily massage with different oils, among which are lavender, rosemary, rose, all kinds of citrus. Last resort of stretch marks not only help in the fight against stretch marks, but also eliminate cellulite, which can be important when you massage the abdomen and thighs.