Where to put the money tree?

Where to put the money tree?
 Crassula money tree or a small tree with a dense rounded leaves. It is believed that it brings abundance, good luck and facilitates the flow of funds. But the tree began to operate, it must be correctly positioned.
 According to the laws of feng shui money tree should stand in the area of ​​wealth - the south-eastern part of the apartment. It does not matter whether your money tree present a potted plant or you produce it according to the principles of the doctrine of areas. A place to put a symbol of financial well-being should be carefully prepared:

- Choose the illuminated part of the room, which coincides with the specified direction - now a money tree needs an influx of light for normal growth and development. Make sure that the area is well ventilated and was always clean (wipe dust, wash the floors, clean the adjacent pieces of furniture);
- Corner colors (hue wallpaper, carpet colors, the color of the pot at the plant) must not conflict with the principles of Feng Shui - shades of blue, black, green. Clean the area of ​​all objects in red, sharp geometric shapes, made of any metallic material;
- Money tree can be placed next to the aquarium or with pictures of the ocean, but they should not be too much.

If the zone of wealth in your house fell on the toilet or bathroom, that is, the room is not very favorable for the growth of plants, you can try to rectify the situation. In this case, useful homemade money tree - do a little souvenir of beads or paper insert in the production of his own soul, and define his place in the closet. Conflict with the element of water (leakage of money) also decide - replace all the old and leaky pipes, tie them with red ribbons and hang over the door of the music of the wind (red mirror, a bed mat red). In principle, the neighborhood of water and money favorably, but you need to neutralize the unfortunate direction of water movement.

Take care to this part of the apartment does not clutter up, if necessary, move away cabinet with old things stored there, highlight the cozy corner of the lamp. Avoid close proximity of the tree to the pipes of central heating and fireplace - in addition to direct harm to plants, these elements can "help" your money will be spent.

Tags: domestic, color, wood, interior, plant