Toxic houseplants

Toxic houseplants
 Many flower growers fill his apartment with beautiful plants, not thinking about their properties. Meanwhile, many houseplants are poisonous. When caring for them need to be careful, and if the house has small children from poisonous plants is better to get rid of.

Many of our domestic plants, captivating us with their beauty, poisonous, as we often did not know. In some plants are poisonous all parts, while others - only fruits or leaves, others are dangerous to their acrid milky juice.

Upon learning that the poisonous flower, does not necessarily throw it in the trash. Remove the plant from the house is necessary only in case if you have small children. Curious kids eager to try all tastes, especially if it's beautiful or attractive berries leaves. Dangerous and poisonous plants for pets that are not averse to bite greens growing in a flower pot. For adults the same people who know about the properties of plants, poisonous flowers are not dangerous, you only need the care of them wear rubber gloves and make sure that the juice did not get into your mouth, eyes, or not healed scratch (wound).

1. Plants with acrid juice
This group includes all the family Euphorbiaceae (including poinsettia, croton or codiaeum, Acalypha, Euphorbia milii). At the breaking of the sheet or escape these plants abundantly secrete white sap, which causes severe irritation in contact with skin and especially the mucous membranes.

The family Araceae also many plants whose sap is poisonous. These include dieffenbachia, monstera, anthurium, philodendron, Zamioculcas, Caladium, Spathiphyllum, calla (Zantedeschia). Their juice in contact with the oral mucosa causes a sharp pain and swelling, and in contact with the conjunctiva of the eye - conjunctivitis and even inflammation of the cornea.

Juice representatives of the family Amaryllidaceae (Hippeastrum, tulip, Cleve) when placed in the mouth can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. At Clive poisonous berries also.

2. Plants with poisonous organs
This group includes the family Solanaceae. Many members of this family have a very beautiful, decorative, but poisonous berries or fruits. For example, nightshade berries lozhnoperechnogo if swallowed cause nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and then - drowsiness and loss of consciousness.

Peppers we use in small quantities as a seasoning for food, but if you take a bite of fresh pod, there is an intolerable burning sensation in the mouth, accompanied by profuse salivation until vomiting. The child may even be a chemical burn of the mouth.

Poisonous berries and decorative brunfelsii, brovalliya fruit does not form, but its beautiful flowers are poisonous.

Plants belonging to the family kutrovyh (oleander, Adenium, Rauwolfia, periwinkle pink, or katarantus, Pachypodium, dipladeniya and others) contain in their flowers and leaves substances toxic influence on the activity of the heart. The danger, however, occurs only when swallowing large amounts of bitter-tasting leaves or flowers.

In gloriosa magnificent belonging to the lily family, all parts are poisonous, especially the tuber.

3. Allergenic Plants
There are a group of plants, in fact, is not poisonous, but the cause of allergies in many people. Especially characteristic in this group primrose obconical. Its leaves and stems pubescent with fine hairs that release allergenic substances. After contact with skin, these substances in sensitive people to this allergen cause severe irritation and inflammation of the skin.

All the plants are beautiful, but growing them at home, you need to be familiar with the properties of each. Caring for poisonous plants, follow the necessary precautions. This will save you from danger.

Tags: domestic, color, flower, anthurium, plant