Keep me, my talisman: toad feng shui

Keep me, my talisman: toad feng shui
 Toad triple Feng Shui - one of the strongest and most popular mascots to attract money and financial luck. It can be seen in almost every Chinese home or office. Proper placement of the toad will take care of the welfare of the house and not let money go up in smoke.
 Toad Feng Shui is a statue in the shape of a frog trehlapy with Yin-Yang symbol on the back. It sits on a pedestal of coins and keeps the mouth of Chinese coins with a hole in the middle.

An ancient legend tells that trehlapy toad was greedy and harm people. Since it met the Buddha, taught her a lesson and ordered to bring people to help money. Since then, the evening frog jumps into the window and leaves in the homes of the coin.

Buying mascot, make sure that the frog was the most similar to the present, looked expensive, and the coin was placed in the mouth and pulls up characters - because the toad would have spit it out. If the coin falls out of his mouth figurines - expect financial revenues.

Sometimes sell frogs without coins in his mouth. This is also a good option. Then in the slot can be inserted coin, which is associated with wealth from you. If no suitable options, make your choice on Chinese coins with square hole.

It is best to toad was made of wood and painted in blue or green. Another very powerful option - glass figurine black or blue. Less effective toad feng shui metal and plaster. But they are easier to buy. Hand made trehlapy frog will have the smallest effect.

To attract money necessary to put a toad in the south-eastern sector of your home - the area of ​​money and wealth. Well, if there is already an aquarium with goldfish, a small fountain or a money tree. You can just hang a picture of calm water.

Toad can be placed back to the door - it should "jump" in the dwelling. The best place - near the front door. Next is ideal - living. There will be good to put a frog into a fountain, an aquarium or any other container of water. In the kitchen, bedroom or bathroom toad is uncomfortable.

In the office of the frog have the same rules in the south-eastern sector. You can also place it on your desktop. The best place - the top-left corner of the table. Put a frog in front of it is impossible.

If you urgently need money, lower the mascot in any container of water a day (for toads, located not in the water). Then remove and replace without wiping.

Toad in general need to bathe more often - once or twice a week. Raduyte frog native element, and she will not forget repay you in specie.

Tags: Men, frog, hair dryer, mascot, wealth, feng, toad