Interior room in oriental style

Interior room in oriental style
 Making room in an atmosphere of harmony and tranquility necessary for a comfortable stay of the person after a difficult everyday life and bustle of the city. Designers offer to use oriental style just for this purpose.
 With original design approach is given room elegance, luxury and beauty. As a rule, it is most often used for decoration of living rooms, bedrooms or the whole apartment in the same style.

Eastern interior features are: the predominance of textile materials and materials of natural origin (wood) for finishing, the original colors, the prevalence of variegated colors, "mundane" forms of furniture, the presence of eastern accessories, etc.

More often than not finishing room in oriental style involves the use of a dense textile fabrics and air, which can be used to decorate the walls, for zoning premises. Separating function recreation area in living rooms and bedrooms canopy performs certain colors and textures. The windows are decorated, usually brilliant podshtornikom and thick curtains with tassels, fringes and cords (as decoration).

Feature of the interior in oriental style is to use as decorative materials of natural wood (cherry, walnut, black ash, rosewood), which have the original cast. Due to this, the room given to some exclusive and chic.

It should be noted that all elements of the decor of the room in oriental style (pillows, blankets, floor coverings, carpets on the walls) can be traced floral designs and geometric patterns.

Oriental furniture has a small height and strict geometric shape (oval, square, circle, rectangle). Sofas, coffee tables, sofas should be located at a minimum distance from the floor.

The most common oriental accessories can be regarded as pillows of various colors and sizes, beautiful vases for flowers and treats, oriental lamps and various small items.

Of course, the effect of the interior is achieved only if the basic rules of oriental design, because at the same time against the background of "creative chaos" every object has a meaning, and performs a separate function.

Tags: style, room, interior design