How to perform a wall decor with their hands

How to perform a wall decor with their hands
 Walls - one of the most enjoyable activities to be repaired. Of course, you can use vinyl stickers, bought in the store. And you can show imagination and create jewelry with their own hands.
 Wall painting - one of the traditional options of decor of the home. It was used in ancient times, decorating the walls of houses with beautiful frescoes. If you have artistic talent, you can turn around, painted on the wall of a beautiful landscape or just decorate her ornament. Those in whom the artist never woke up, can print stencil and transfer it to the wall. The color is chosen based on the purpose of the room. Children should take juicy and bright colors in the living room would look good with a lot of complex pattern ornate pieces of various colors, but the bedroom is to be preferred ornament, made in pastel colors.

Another traditional way to decorate the walls - they are decorated with the help of photographs. Such a design will add your home comfort and charm, creating a special atmosphere. You can take one big picture and hang it in the center and on the sides to place several small images. Photography can be only one, but it must be a big, bright, memorable and beautiful frame. You can also decorate the wall photographs of the same size.

Panels from the remnants of wallpaper - simple and cute way to transform the walls of his apartment. To do this, you will need unnecessary frames and remnants of wallpaper with an interesting pattern. Simply insert into multiple frames on a piece of paper with patterns and hang on the wall. Also, from the wallpaper can be cut letters and decorate the wall favorite quote.

Way wall decor, which became popular in Europe - the decoration of the hoop with a beautiful cloth. Make this element of the interior is not difficult. Just take a hoop (they can be purchased at any store handmade, and they are reasonably priced), pull them tight fabric, cut off the excess. After that hang panels on the hook. If you do not do needlework, and the remnants of tissue you do not, it does not matter. As the decorations can go old t-shirts with interesting prints, from which you still planning to get rid of. Just cut them from the desired pieces and original features ready.

Tags: hand wall decor