How to make your room cozier

How to make your room cozier
 For many people, it is very important to surround yourself with beautiful things. Only then will the heart calms down, and the mood can spoil even the pouring rain. If you have decided that your room is too cold and uncomfortable, stop complaining and get down to business. Even the most miserable housing can be turned into a beautiful palace.

To date, there are many ways to turn a dull space into a beautiful room. To do this, in most cases, use art to choose the right lighting, beautiful furniture and small trinkets.

The first step towards achieving this goal will be a general cleaning. Surely, you did not even know how much dust has accumulated over a huge wardrobe. Yes, and during the procedure a chance to find a lot of small things that seemed to have been lost forever. After around was clean, go to the decoration of your room.

To begin with audits of their furniture. If you want to create a softer interior, stop the choice on the sofa with armrests and round tables, which resemble the legs bend. Many home furnishings can be worn plush robe, which immediately give the room cozy.

Try to abandon the colorful patterns on furniture covers. If your goal - to create a cozy room, use soothing colors. In particular, make your choice on the following colors: light green, brown, pale blue, etc. This rule applies to all home furnishings. A sense of calm can be achieved with the help of elements of nature. The list includes apples, herbs, flowers and seashells.

Most people have accumulated a lot of things that do not make sense to keep the apartment, but it is a pity to throw. Even small items all the time strive to get lost. To cope with this problem, obtain special boxes for storing small trinkets.

In order to make the room more comfortable, set up everywhere scented candles or special lamps. It will not hurt to hang on the wall a few pictures of expensive and loved ones, favorite dog, etc. Whatever you come up with, try to surround yourself with things when you look at who you want to smile.

Tags: color, room, interior, comfort, object, bauble