How to determine the area of ​​feng shui in the apartment

How to determine the area of ​​feng shui in the apartment
 At the heart of the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui is the doctrine of the proper organization of space and the use of favorable flow of qi energy. To create harmony in your life, you need to properly equip in their home or apartment zone of Bagua, which are responsible for certain aspects of life. But first of all necessary to determine the location of these areas according to Feng Shui.
 Location areas of feng shui in the apartment is determined by Bagua Mirror - map or diagram in the form of an octagon divided into 8 sectors in the number of basic and intermediate points of the compass: north, west, south, east, northwest, northeast, south west, south-east. Each sector corresponds to a certain sphere of life:
- North - Career;
- West - fame, reputation, respect;
- South - children, creativity;
- East - family, parents, relatives;
- Northwest - assistants, teachers, good people;
- Northeast - education, knowledge, wisdom;
- The south-west - love, romance, marriage;
- South East - wealth, financial success.
The ninth sector is in the center of the map. He is responsible for the health and unites all other aspects of life.

To determine the areas you will need to plan Bagua apartment or house. It can be drawn by hand, but it is better to use ready, which is available in the data sheet of premises: for it will be more accurate measurement. If the outlines of an apartment or house is a rectangle, the difficulties in defining zones of Bagua not arise. But when the plan looks like a broken home geometrical figure, such as the letter "L", you will need to finish it to a rectangle.

Then prepare a grid Bagua: download ready with online resources dedicated to Feng Shui, or portray her as a circle, square or octagon, divide by 8 sectors and mark the points of the compass. In this case, use the rule of specular reflection relative to the location points of the compass: South at the top, at the bottom of the north, east left west right. The best thing to do Bagua mirror on transparent paper (tracing paper) or polyethylene film.

Next you need to set the direction of the compass in the apartment. To do this, use the compass to find north and mark it on the bottom of the housing plan. Then align the centers of the plan and Bagua grid based on the location of the north: it will be seen, in which sectors are all the rooms in the apartment or house.

Bagua zones can be defined differently. This will require a plan of the apartment in the form of a rectangle, compass and protractor. First, set the compass direction north and mark it on the drawing at the bottom, find the center of the apartment, with a protractor, divide the circuit into 8 sectors of 45 ° each, and then mark the points of the compass.

Determine the apartment area, responsible for the welfare of a particular aspect of life, is quite simple and at the same time is very important: having equipped them with the rules and symbols of Feng Shui, you can change your life for the better.

Tags: apartment, house, hair band, Bagua, Feng