Color scheme, lighting and air bathroom

Color scheme, lighting and air bathroom
 In recent years become very popular Chinese science of harmony with the environment - Feng Shui, which is translated into Russian as "wind and water". It is understood that the water affects our life and quality. A very important role in the proper feng shui played by the sector in which the house or apartment is located bath. And if sometimes we can not locate the bathroom in accordance with the canons of Feng Shui, you make it comfortable for the forces of each.

According to the rules of feng shui, water element refers to the northern sector of the house or apartment, so the best option is the location of the bathroom in the area. It is important that bathroom was not near the front door and the kitchen because it can contaminate the energy Qi (positive energy) immediately after it enters the house.

Often, you can not change the layout of the apartment, and if the bathroom was in the junk area, you should make every effort to improve the situation, even a little. This can be done with the help of ceramic tiles, placed on the opposite wall of the bath.

Popular post was the bathroom next to the bedroom. However, according to feng shui, such placement bathrooms brings home a failure. The thing is that the Qi in the bathroom and the toilet is dirty, it is necessary to immediately get rid of, otherwise it will turn into harmful energy Sha. Therefore desirable to muddy the flow of qi penetrated into the bedroom, where necessary, clean energy.

It is here - in the bathroom, we remain alone with yourself, relax, shut down for a while all of their concerns, and a very important role is the color scheme of the room.

Under the influence of water, the aura of a person takes more sensitive and soft forms, as it can easily change the internal characteristics of a person. Therefore we should not draw a bathroom in black.

The bathroom should prevail pastel colors. Add some bright objects to stimulate favorable energy qi. Favorable colors for bathrooms are: blue, white or light green color. Because they believe that the white man cleans the aura. Blue color has a positive impact on our energy and removes all unnecessary thoughts out. It is believed that this color is a symbol of heavenly blessings. Doctors recommend blue to lower blood pressure, relax.

Humidity increased in our bathrooms, so it is advisable to do here ventilation window. It should be as often as possible ventilate the bathroom.

If your bathroom has a window blinds hang up on him. It is better not to close them during the day, so there will get more sunlight. It is known that the sun's rays stimulate the energy and charge the atmosphere.

If your bathroom windows are absent, as often as possible kindle in her light. It is desirable that the whole room was covered extensively.

Tags: bath, bedroom, bathroom, lighting, decoration