Aromatherapy: selection of flavors for the room, kitchen and bathroom

Aromatherapy: selection of flavors for the room, kitchen and bathroom
 Scents are the same important part of the interior, such as furniture or lighting. No coincidence that many adults fondly recall how delicious smell of cakes in my grandmother's house and geraniums in my mother's room. Aromas of our homes affect our health, the impression guests. Often home smells associated with aromas such as forest clearing or a good restaurant, the sea breeze or the July rain.

Give a flavor of each room, pick up the scent of organically peculiar only to her - the present and, by the way, is not as easy as it may seem, art. It is known that different scents in a completely different effect on our emotional and physical state. Some soothe, invigorate others. And if we, for example, Let's give the bedroom smell of orange or grapefruit, with a strong invigorating effect, this is unlikely to benefit. Most likely, you will toss and turn for a long time and will not be able to fall asleep quickly.

Bedroom more suited lavender, rose, hops, ylang-ylang, rosemary, cedar, promoting strong and healthy sleep. These fragrances will also provide ease of spillage in the absence of a headache. In the case to be a night of love, you can add flavors that excite passion - sandalwood, patchouli, bergamot.

For the living room suit "solar" flavors - orange, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot. These odors distract from problems and routine, improve mood, tuned to a positive perception of the world. Not interfere as woody notes and light vanilla scent that makes a room atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Vanilla scent is perfect for the kitchen. He will report that there is often engaged in culinary delights or simply - cooking. This gives the whole dwelling on the whole spirit of strength, peace, and an established, settled life. Observed that the positive effect on the cross the threshold of the kitchen smell of coffee.

But the bathroom is usually not required to bring any special smell. In her reign and so the flavors gels, foams, shampoos, sea salts and aromatic natural soaps. The only concern of the owners - to make sure that the bathroom is not bred odors (mildew, wet stone, stale clothes dumped in the bin).

The main rule, which should be done if you want to fill all the flavors home - is cleanliness. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. After all, essential oils and special flavors in combination with dust, fumes, smell the mustiness of slops and can give unpredictable consequences, which can not be called delicate and pleasant.

Tags: kitchen, bath, bathroom, selection, fragrance, home, aromatherapy