Try to find an online auction offering goods at low prices. Sellers set sufficiently attractive price, you write your own. If during the duration of the auction price is not "killed off" another buyer - you can buy the product at the offered price. To ensure the safety of shopping, check out the reviews of the seller and his previous transactions. In Russia, the most popular auctions such as,,,,
Another way to buy products online at low prices - to participate in the joint procurement. By registering at the local forum or social network, find like-minded people who want to buy the same thing (eg, food or children's toys). Typically, such purchases occur prepaid. Due to bulk orders, the price of goods is really low, and the experience will help organizers to procure safe. Over time, you yourself can learn to organize bulk purchases, and will receive a certain percentage of them.
If you have used a variety of services, register on the site discounts. Thanks to the promotions of many organizations and manufacturers here for a symbolic price, you can buy coupons. Most often, this travel agency services, beauty salons, restaurants, etc. Discounts may be as high as 90%, so these Group buying enjoys considerable success among experienced internet shoppers.
When you select an online store, be careful. Be sure to read reviews from other customers (given that they can be registered). First, make an order for a small amount and rate the quality of services. If all goes well - you can make an order for a large sum.