Should start with a careful selection of the store. If you know a foreign language, you can order things not only from Russia but also from America, France, Italy, England, China and many other countries. In this case, first of all make sure that the selected shop sends goods to your country, or you may encounter a refusal to sell, and the need to return the money already listed seller.
Pay special attention to the reputation of the store. Unfortunately, there are con artists who create sites with a one-day non-existent goods, collect money from customers and then disappear. Only use the services of proven sellers, who have a lot of positive feedback from customers.
Selecting a shop, carefully read the terms of payment, shipping and returns. When buying things in foreign stores usually require pre-payment, ie first you are transferring money for the order, and then you are sent him. In Russian stores is also a partial payment or transfer of money to the courier upon receipt of the goods already.
Delivery - this is another important point. If you order in the city or even country can expect quick things. If the goods brings the courier, the store manager call and specify when you prefer to pick up an order. Buying foreign stores - is another matter. Most likely, the speed of delivery will depend on the work of Russian-mail and can be from 2 weeks to 2 months. Be sure to consider this when buying seasonal items.
Return of things and money can be realized in different ways depending on the particular store. Be sure to check return policies before you order products. When buying clothes and shoes never rely only on the specified size, because it may be different from the usual for you. In good online stores that sell such things, make a special plate sizes. Use it to things and then not have to return.