The principle of operation with electronic currencies is extremely simple - just go to the official site of the desired system and spend some time to register. In some cases, may require the identification of, for example, using Yandex.Deneg purses. Most e-currencies during registration will need your mobile phone number - as a guarantee of protection against hacking. Add funds electronic purses can always be using a credit card, but in some cases it will be necessary to use other methods. For example, working with Paypal, for the transfer of funds is required to apply to the Department of Russian Post.
Bargains determined not only by the low price of the goods, but also sufficiently high quality as well as speed and quality of delivery. Search Method lowest prices quite simple - enter the name of the product you are in the search engine, then look for a site where it is most cheap. Pay particular attention to foreign resources. Selecting three or four sites, check them for fraud. Look for reviews of them, especially carefully paying attention to the negative. Highlight the main shortcomings that visitors have found in these online stores, and then select the one that is most suitable to you.
Look for resources that provide data on sales from online stores. They do not carry out direct sales of goods, but merely informed of the lowest price, so check the required resource for goods offered for sale.
Often you can face the fact that the list of countries in which the goods are delivered, there is no Russian. In this case, you will be companies that provide brokerage services, for example, AmericanSale. In this case, you will need to select the desired item and make it available to an intermediary company, and then transfer the money to his account. Among them you can also encounter scammers, so it is recommended to check carefully selected company before ordering the product.