Shopping abroad: where and what to buy in the New Year's holiday

Shopping abroad: where and what to buy in the New Year's holiday
 Winter - a traditional sales period. They are not only in Russia but also worldwide. And abroad, the prices are much lower and much more discounts.

Contrary to popular belief, this country is not the flagship of the latest fashion trends. Therefore, in order to buy something trendy and flashy, should go to another place. Since the dress code here, basically, fairly moderate, conservative and elegant. During the sales in Italy can buy clothes famous brand in 7-10 times cheaper than ours. However, and without discounts accessories and clothes in this country are much less than in Russia. At the same time, almost all luxury brands have stores sales, where customers are offered the remnants of past collections. Prices are much lower. But the season of discounts they tend to close. Keep in mind that in provincial towns and suburbs of the capital you can find branded boutiques. And there, and the prices are lower and shorter queues.

United Kingdom

In contrast to Russia and other European countries, Britain an incredible array of local designers. They love to combine incongruous and paint their works in the most unimaginable color. After wandering through the alleys, you can find a small but interesting shops. In that sell something, which is not found in any corner of the world. Also in the local shop are all the most advanced and modern. And sometimes even chudokovatoe. If you like to attract attention and stand out from the crowd, you will find the best shopping in your life. But remember that for the abundance and fashion have to pay. Prices for exclusive products in this country are not low. But unpretentious jeans, tops and t-shirts you can buy for mere pennies.


From this country, above all, can bring very high quality and inexpensive shoes. Especially casual and sports. You should also pay attention to the warm robe and business suits. And in Germany, you can find fashionable clothes and most large sizes. German style may seem a bit conservative, but the quality of things unbeatable. Note that if you pull in 40-80 kilometers from any major administrative center, you can find shops that present things from last year's collections at bargain prices. But remember to go there to be on a weekday. Since the weekend there make purchases thousands of local.


Here it is necessary to pay attention to products made of leather. Shoes and bags of excellent quality, bought in Spain, will last you for years. Also in this country for many world famous brands of clothes (which can be purchased at affordable prices) full of shops and local designers. Keep in mind that luxury brands have roughly the same cost as in Russia. But the segment of medium and economy class will seem just a "gratuitous". For example, a fashionable coat can be bought for 70-80 euros, and jeans - over 12. Many stores in this country like it, but not very good at sitting thing will adjust the shape. "Alter" are as style and size. Naturally, it will have to pay extra, but the amount is usually not large. And most importantly - remember the siesta. From 14 to 17 hours of Spanish stores are closed.


Greece is known for its fur shop. Fur coats and stand here by 40-70% less than anywhere else. Oddly enough, go for the profitable fur coat in the winter. It was at this time of the year reduced the flow of tourists and increasing competition among sellers. Therefore, the ability to bargain for cheaper coat increases. Keep in mind that the law of the country of Greece are allowed to export fur total value of not more than 1,900 euros. Around this limitation simply should ask the seller to write two checks (real and with low price). This practice is widespread. Please note that some travel agencies offer tours of fur coats. Tour guide and bus provided, and the travel route runs through the fur factory where the product allegedly much cheaper. Do not believe it. After all, with every purchase coats agency takes 25-30%. In any other place you will get the product at the same price, and it may be below.

Where else?

Workshops for copies of any of the goods should go to Thailand or China.

Inexpensive but luxurious gold jewelry can be purchased in the UAE. But remember, the trip itself in this country will cost you dearly.

French stores offer tons of cosmetics and perfumes for every taste and budget.

And in the Finnish capital there for all lovers of sports style.

Tags: vacation border shopping