Buying fur coats in Greece

Buying fur coats in Greece
 The so-called fur-tours to Greece are extremely popular angry Russians. The bottom line is simple: buying a ticket, pay a small amount, but undertake to buy a fur coat in Greece for an amount not less than a certain travel agency to arrange your trip. However, not all so simple. And it is very easy to spoil all the good impression of the rest.
 A kind of coats appeared in I century AD. Then Roman soldiers covered themselves with animal fur to intimidate enemies. Since then art shubnyh masters leaped forward, and today coat - is the subject of women's pride. Buy a fur coat is best in the summer, and even better in a hot country, for which warm clothing, it would seem, is not relevant. That's why travelers go in fur-tours to Greece.

Minus the fur-tour that you bring only those factories, which have to send you a travel agency contract. And they were not always quality assortment. So do not rush immediately to buy a fur coat in the first trading floor. Do you have time to see all the proposed options and choose.

If you do not like the range of products offered to you, you can refuse to buy here and choose a coat in another store. However, for such a move will have to pay a $ 300 penalty. This problem can be avoided if you are still at the stage of purchase vouchers complete your fur-yourself tour without obligation. In this case, if you do not like the proposed fur factories, with whom a contract, you can go to other showrooms. Remember that this tour will cost much more expensive.

Once you have found you like variant study it carefully, then to avoid unpleasant surprises.

First you need to assess the quality. Remember that in Greece, as well as around the world sold more Chinese goods. Therefore, the coat should be examined very carefully to not be disappointed later. If you see on the fur breaks and Zamyatin, the purchase should be abandoned. This is due to the fact that this quality fur never hesitates. So, despite the assurances of the seller of that coat wrinkled in transit, safely pass by.

Next you need to check if the pile is not painted. To do this, gently swipe wet handkerchief on the wool. If it is color, this coat does not take. Not every seller may allow you to hold such a wet test.

Use another method to determine the quality or not before you. Shake the coat. Ideally, you should not hear any sound. However, if there was a crunch or any other unpleasant sounds, this is not your coat. After all the different sounds by shaking indicate that the membrane was dressed poorly, and thus to wear a fur coat will tear and fade.

Stroke fur hand. It should be soft, shiny, thick and pleasant to the touch. Also, experts recommend gently pull the fur hand. If the hairs remain in place, then coat quality and not quickly "polyseet."

Take a good look at the lining. At the expensive high-quality fur coats it should not be sewn.

As for the price, remember that the price tag on the exposed, it is usually 2 times overstated. Therefore, you can safely bargain. Experts claim that the average price of fur vest is about 1500 euros, and coats - about 2,000 euros. Focusing on these prices, you can safely insist on its version. However, do not be surprised if the Greeks will not hurry to lower his prices. It is in the cost of coats laid your "free" travel, "" privileged "accommodation, etc.

Tags: coat, tour, Greece, buy