Why did we miss?

Why did we miss?
 We miss very often, especially if you are in love. You can miss your loved one at the moment of parting, and you can live a week and then suddenly remember that you have not seen for many days and longed very much ... bored, of course, can not by man, but simply due to the fact that there are no cases. Here you sit yourself and boring. Have you ever thought about what boredom and how can I get rid of it?

Here the question of habit, reflex, if you want. Do you have some sort of permanent occupation, and you give him all my time and energy. You can work all day, you can practice cooking dinner, washing and ironing, and you can sit with a small child. All of this - a particular activity, if it is repeated day after day, you can very quickly get used to. But if abruptly stop doing so, what you have become accustomed to devote so much time, it is quite unclear where the same thing is now to use your spare time. A man needs something to do, and if before he had a vacuum cleaner, a ladle or a computer at work, but now we have nothing, and he feels an intense need to all the usual subjects returned to their seats. It often happens that women are constantly complaining about the mountains of dishes, and when there is a dishwasher, still continue to wash dishes hands - they just need to somehow keep him occupied, they miss the usual work.

So, we can say that any boredom or even longing for the society of a man - a kind of habit. You used to have something, and when you do not have this, you begin to feel the need for it. It does not matter what it is about - it is important that you need and without the desired you will experience some discomfort. This may sound a little selfish, but the way it is.

And what to do, not to be bored? To get started, think about whether you really want to get rid of this feeling. Miss beloved sometimes even pleasant, besides, if you just yearn for the person who does not have at the moment near, this can be a good side - you, one way or another, think about it. A similar thoughts and memories always evoke positive emotions. If you are just bored and need something to entertain themselves, are a different matter, and really need to take certain measures.

The simplest thing you can do with boredom - something to distract. Believe me, there is nothing that helps to forget about their thoughts, like a good book, a long walk or an interesting film in the cinema. If none of this will not help, try to work on. Remember, if you have time for boredom at work when you need to get a lot of things at the same time and at the same time manage to retain a representative appearance and a smile on your face? If not work, do what you want: wash, start to cook some incredibly sophisticated culinary dish, start repairs in the apartment ...

It does not matter why you miss, what is important - how to make sure not to miss. Maybe sometimes it is necessary to feel and experience, but to get involved in them is still not worth it. Learn to find for themselves a wide variety of classes and let the sadness and boredom recede into the background.

Tags: habit, boredom, depression, sadness, entertainment