Why and how do we get tired, and what to do?

Why and how do we get tired, and what to do?
 Residents of large cities in the mass delivered from a variety of muscle, energy costs, it is inevitable in the past, but for what they are now, and fatigue is a very different character. Next popped fatigue mediocre, neuro-psihicheskgo character. This tiredness comes from constantly repetitive, monotonous, though not physically heavy operations.

Often working posture of man is a leading, if not the only factor in fatigue, not only because of the long muscular tension, but also as a consequence of the challenges that it poses the cardiovascular system. Rumble in the legs, aching back - this is a consequence not only of muscle fatigue, but also a consequence of venous stasis in the vessels of the pelvis and lower extremities. Up to a certain period of time that such deviations remain mobile, reversible and easily leveled after the removal of the workload. However, at some period of time restore the original balance encounters more difficulties. In humans, there is fatigue, and more are already involved in the process of physiological phenomena, the more they exacerbate the rest. So, change and clearly contributes to impaired blood flow to the functioning of the central brain structures responsible for the regulation of the internal environment. 

What to do with this fatigue. It is necessary to first understand. Do not pretend that nothing is happening. Feeling tired - a psycho-physiological signal and respond to it, when he perceived vital. Relax, if your body is required. Take a day off from work - do not worry this does not happen. Believe that your health is more important than the next project. Think about what you want to do for a long time, but could not find the time for it. Read an excellent book, lying on the couch and sipping orange juice, look horror or blind pot of clay. Generally you need to protect yourself from unnecessary fuss and spend time as you really want it.

You must learn to control their emotions, to fight fatigue. After all the negative feelings take a lot of energy, we can say, deplete the body. Positive emotions, on the other hand, charge you cheerfulness and optimism. Cultivate the habit of positive thinking.

Give up bad habits. Smoking, for example, takes a lot of energy and time. After each smoked a cigarette you have to your body for a long time to recover, which means that its performance is significantly reduced.

General fatigue - it is absolutely normal, and it is necessary for the proper functioning of your body. Learn to respond to signals that are sent to you body and soul, and then the fatigue will become your only next stage of development, rather than a reason to be upset and nervous.

Tags: fatigue