The dignity of women: an impregnable or available?

The dignity of women: an impregnable or available?
 Unapproachable woman - a problem for men. Affordable not of interest to them. And some of these qualities is the feminine dignity - a debatable question, and the answer is ambiguous, but quite interesting in its meaning.

Women - mysterious creatures. What's going on in their soul - the secret to others. They sometimes can not explain how the chosen line of conduct. After all, to be impregnable and affordable - choice of the woman, the nature of it that is not incorporated.

And, it should be noted that these qualities rather repel people than attract them. If they do, indeed, show your character, then you need to try to change: to be more relaxed or show modesty. But to call you an impregnable fortress or, conversely, accessible and sometimes windy at a glance.

Of course, they say that can not be judged by their looks, but that appearance can tell a lot about you. Formal suit, glasses, hair collected, discreet makeup - this image is said that his mistress - touchy. Of course, some items are subject to change (not a suit and dress, not collected hair and neatly arranged, etc.), but the essence remains the same. In contrast, short skirt, bright makeup can create the kind of frivolous and girls available.

Well, when the clothes - just female cunning, which reflects the mood of the moment. But clothes can be a real problem. Because of the inability to choose the right outfits you will constantly get into trouble (available disrespectful view allows you to treat and unapproachable cause awkwardness).

In any case, try to look at ourselves. If you can not make an objective assessment, refer to the loved one. Husband, mother, boyfriend or girlfriend you know very well. Therefore, with them you can discuss all of their advantages and disadvantages. But if you want to change, have to solve on their own. Maybe you're happy lifestyle impregnable ladies or available coquette. Think about whether to rush to extremes, because one of the main advantages is the ability of women to find a middle ground. Only in this case, you can be a welcome companion and decent compliments a woman.

Tags: gold, woman, evaluation, middle, dignity, skill