Secrets of Psychology: getting rid of the anger and irritability

Secrets of Psychology: getting rid of the anger and irritability
 Anger and irritability - strong negative emotions, forced to take rash decisions, to ruin all the plans. People walking on the occasion of his anger, and often suffers health - weakens the immune system, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as diseases of the nervous system. Secrets of psychology will help you get rid of the anger and irritability, and to maintain their health.

Everything under control?

Life in society imposes certain limits on the human, beyond which the output is not recommended. However, if you will constantly keep yourself in check, it is fraught with depression, chronic fatigue and other health problems. Try to send your negative emotions to a peaceful course. Angry at her husband - beat a pillow or punching bag, take offense at the naughty child - arrange a jog or a swim in the pool. Any physical activity helps to get rid of anger and irritation without strong negative effects.

Get rid of negative emotions helps a loud cry. If you are overwhelmed with anger - yell as loud in the middle of nowhere or car.

Psychological techniques to relieve anger and irritation

The human psyche is designed so that it is able to focus only on two things at the same time. If you are the chief scolds or displays whims child, try the following exercise. Position your tongue in your mouth, so that he seemed neither upper nor lower jaw and was in limbo. This position is quite uncomfortable and to hold it requires some effort, allowing anger or irritation will go by the wayside.

If psychological techniques do not help - contact your neurologist or therapist who will appoint you medication.

The next effective technique - holding your breath. In a state of anger, breathing quickens and becomes shallow. Concentrate on your breathing and breathe slowly, deeply and evenly. Once this happens - irritation retreat.

Master the art of meditation and yoga - they will help you find the lost balance, get rid of aggression, remove anxiety.

Calm down and helps relieve irritation exercise "Smiling Buddha", borrowed from the ancient Taoist teachings. Take a comfortable position and try no to think about nothing. Maximum relax the muscles of the face and imagine what they like "drain" down in languor. Focus on your lips, imagine that they begin to take shape into a smile. When you feel that the smile itself appears on your face, the feeling of irritation and anger will pass.

Proper nutrition - a source of good mood

To stop being angry and offended over nothing, sometimes enough to eat a piece of chocolate. This unique product promotes the production of endorphins and serotonin, responsible for good mood and a feeling of happiness. Enhance the content in the diet of B vitamins that strengthen the nervous system. Very often, increased irritability and viciousness is associated with impaired thyroid function and the lack of iodine in the body. In this case, examination and treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Tags: secret, anger, irritation, psychology, irritability, deliverance