Psychological trauma and masks

Psychological trauma and masks
 Psychology, introspection is now passionate about a lot of people. It is connected with the availability of information, and with a desire to open up the dark side of our being. The benefit of all the conditions for that now exist. The profession of psychologist in our country is not so popular, but the books issued by them often become bestsellers. Was not an exception "5 injuries that hinder be yourself" author Liz Bourbeau.

In his book, well-known psychologist and philosopher, and part-time teacher Liz Bourbeau, said that each person has a responsibility to ourselves and to the world at large. The psychological trauma that a person carries within himself all his life and hides them behind the masks, bring suffering not only to himself, but often translate into massive suffering, taking different forms of government, social, global crises. It is an injustice, betrayal, humiliation, rejection and abandonment are the basis of all human suffering.

Each injury, sitting deep within and affecting the whole of human life, corresponds to a well-defined mask. That is, in a manner of speaking, dressing, choose the environment, to move, even facial features and body type, you can determine which injury was the basis of the formation of man as a person.

According to the author, the soul from the birth of man wants him to accept himself with all his strengths and weaknesses. Being very young, we strive to meet this need of the soul, but very often it is the desire to displeases others. Seeing this, the child concludes that to be true - it is wrong, he gets nervous, as a result, we write it off on some age crisis. Many psychologists distinguish several periods of crisis in the preschool age. It is in these moments of baby fighting for his soul, for its needs. Child's personality evolves from knowing the joy of being itself to building a new identity corresponding to the expectations of adults, through suffering from what can not be naturally accompanied by a riot. During the rebellion (the experience of the crisis), a new personality - a mask, serving defense against pain.

Psychologist reduces all human suffering to the five major psychological trauma that lurk behind five masks: rejected - a mask "fugitive", abandoned - the mask of "dependence", humiliated - Mask "masochist" betrayal - mask "controls", injustice - Mask "rigid ".

Rejected does not feel right to exist, his body small, fragile, small eyes with an expression of fear. Sufficiently removed from the material, is committed to excellence, intellectually developed, seeks solitude, wants to be invisible. Word is looking for different ways to escape.

Abandoned as a child experienced a lack of love, positive emotions from the parent of the opposite sex. The body is thin, with a low tone, weak arms and legs, eyes large and sad. Feels like a victim in need of understanding and support and have difficulty in self-solve problems, painfully aware of the refusal, is pathetic. Strives for independence, but clings to others. Very afraid of loneliness.

Humiliated had a lack of freedom, usually due to increased supervision on the part of the mother. The body is thick, his face open, low growth. Often feels ashamed and afraid of him cause other word extremely tactful. Very sensitive, demanding of himself, seeks to be worthy. Does not meet their needs, but taking it out on food. Very afraid of freedom.

Betrayal. Experienced frustration. Exudes power, man has broad shoulders, narrow hips, a woman - on the contrary. Look tempting, heavy, closer. He considers himself a strong, committed to exclusivity, easily manipulated, lied, did not keep promises, I am convinced of the correctness, skeptical and distrustful. Afraid to take commitment, but makes an effort to implement. Afraid of divorce, separation.

Injustice. Survived blocking personality feels the duty to be perfect. The body of a man straight, proud bearing, low growth, but the physique close to perfection. Has shackled movement, but radiant and vibrant look. Does not recognize that there is a problem, productive, suspended from his desires and feelings, rarely allows himself to experience the fun, self-controlled in all things, does not know how to show their feelings.

The author's arguments very convincing, needless to say, what a great responsibility rests on parents whose actions directly imprinted on their children, changing their fate.

Tags: mask, a psychologist, trauma