Protection against psychological pressure

Protection against psychological pressure
 Faced with different people, we experience different sensations. With someone we psychologically comfortable, we are drawn to these people. But sometimes there are people whose presence we inconvenienced, we feel discomfort and try to minimize such meetings. We feel their psychological pressure.

Receiving psychological pressure people use manipulators, the aggressors. They get their way, forcing the interlocutor to accept his point of view. They are good psychologists, quickly reveal weaknesses. How to survive under this pressure and stand by my opinion? Not to succumb to psychological aggressor, you must be a confident person. One way to secure an appearance, posture. Crossed arms and legs will say to your friend about your closeness of his influence. During the interaction, be careful, do not let yourself distract from the main to the little things. After an unsuccessful attempt to do so, the aggressor will understand that you push useless.

If during the conversation you feel that you put out, imagine your interlocutor in a funny situation. The smile on your face will cause confusion among the aggressor. Be polite and inflexible. Do not raise your voice, as it is for the weak personalities. Raise their voices when other arguments do not work. Also, this technique is used as psychological pressure.

Assumes no negative energy from the interlocutor. You must be able to protect themselves from it. You can imagine yourself in a protective cocoon or mentally build a wall between themselves and the opponent. In addition, if you can, put between you some thing. Do not let invade your personal space.

Usually psychological aggressors are energy vampires. They need charging from other people. After talking with a man, you may feel exhausted and tired. Do not let him get you the desired reaction to it. Be calm and sustained. This will give you a vampire to understand that you get the energy he can not and he will be forced to look for another victim.

Another of the most effective ways to protect against psychological pressure - a sense of humor. Getting back jokes and smiles instead he desired result, your opponent will realize that you do not take it seriously, and it gives you a good chance of winning.

Tags: pressure method, confidence, protection